If elected to the Board of Directors of the Vallecitos Water District, I will fight to keep water and sewer rates low, to ensure safety and reliability of the water supply, and to guard, protect, and conserve our resources. If you agree with the goals and my plan presented here, remember to vote for Timothy Shell on November 6, 2012, as your representative to Division 1 of the Vallecitos Water District.
If elected to the Board of Directors of the Vallecitos Water District, I will fight to keep water and sewer rates low, to ensure safety and reliability of the water supply, and to guard, protect, and conserve our resources.
Maintain Low Water and Sewer Rates
- It is better for the Vallecitos Water District to spend less than to charge more. The Ratepayers should be allowed to keep more of their hard-earned money and spend it as needed to provide for their families.
- The Vallecitos Water District Board of Directors should represent the Ratepayers, not greedy developers or San Marcos politicians who want development fees lowered and water and sewer rates raised to make up the difference.
- The Vallecitos Water District should set rates and fees fairly to match the cost of providing service. Developer fees should not be lowered to entice greedy developers to build in San Marcos, to the benefit of the San Marcos politicians. It should be harder to raise rates than to cut spending. The District needs to remember that the money they spend comes out of the Ratepayer's pocket and takes away money from the Ratepayer's families.
To accomplish these goals, I will insist as a Board Member that the District include a detailed statement of fiscal impact for all of its decisions, indicating the impact of all fiscal decisions on water rates.
Ensure Water Supply safety and Reliability
- The Vallecitos Water District should be planning for tomorrow. A surplus fund sufficient to meet the District's operating expenses for at least one year should be developed to meet the needs of the District during times when revenues are down because of drought conditions. Just as families save for college, weddings, and retirement, the District should also be saving for the future.
- The Vallecitos Water District should spend every penny necessary to ensure that its facilities are reliable, but not one penny more. The District should be accountable for its fiscal decisions. The District should not spend money wastefully, especially if it would have a negative impact on water rates.
To accomplish these goals, I will insist as a Board Member that the District include, establish, and maintain a surplus fund, and that it implements and updates a Strategic Plan at least every five years to ensure that its operations can function reliably each year, now and into the future. I will insist that the District look for new ways to recycle water, and look for new sources of water.
Protect and Conserve our Resources
- The Vallecitos Water District should look for innovative ways to protect and conserve our water resources. Recycling wastewater and desalination will be become more important in the future as our fresh water supplies become stretched, so the District will have to increase its access to uninteruptable supplies. However, this should not be done without consideration of cost to the Ratepayers. The District should not waste any of the Ratepayer's money.
- The Ratepayers deserve to know the specific purpose and impact on water rates of each fiscal decision the Vallecitos Water District makes related to conservation or water supply safety and reliability. The District must communicate with the RatePayers to have a healthy relationship. The District needs to communicate with its Ratepayers in such a manner that each person can read about the decisions the District makes, and have ready access to information on the fiscal impact of those decisions.
- The Ratepayers deserve to know exactly how much money is budgeted and spent by the Vallecitos Water District, not only for facilities and operations, but also for conservation. The District should be held accountable for passing a lean, efficient, balanced budget.
To accomplish these goals, I will insist as a Board Member that the District communicate to the Ratepayers its decisions, and the votes on those decisions, using the newsletter that is already mailed to everyone. I will insist that the information on the fiscal impact of the District's decisions be publicized and made available to the Ratepayers for the asking. I will insist that the District make available on the website its Annual Budget, Master Plan, Integrated Water Resources Plan, and its Codes and Ordinances for all Ratepayers who express interest.
If you agree with the goals and my plan presented here, remember to vote for Timothy Shell on November 6, 2012, as your representative to Division 1 of the Vallecitos Water District.