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Contra Costa County, CA November 6, 2012 Election
Smart Voter Full Biography for Victor Noel "Noel" Pinto Correia

Candidate for
Council Member; City of Antioch

This information is provided by the candidate


"The pursuit of the American Dream"

I emigrated to the United States from Portuguese Goa in 1981, with a suitcase in-hand and a civil engineering degree looking to work for a distinguished company. However, achieving the "American dream" did not come quick or easy. During my first five months as an immigrant and living in San Francisco, CA, I worked three jobs Monday through Saturday working part-time in the morning as an automobile detailer at a used car dealership. I left the dealership on Muni to my early afternoon shift job at a Chevron gas station serving customers by pumping gas, washing windshields and checking air pressure and conditions under the hood. At the end of the shift, I got back on Muni and rode the bus downtown San Francisco where I had a third job as a Head Janitor supervising two custodians at an office building on Market Street. Sunday was a free day, and I slept almost all day making up for lack of sleep during the week. Hard work finally paid-off; I was offered a job as a site engineer by one of my gas station customers who happened to be a minority owner of an Engineering Firm in San Francisco. This was the break I was looking for!

After a few years, I moved to San Lorenzo, CA where I bought my first home. I proudly took the oath of citizenship and became a citizen of the United States in 1994. I have lived in the East Bay ever since.

Antioch, CA is now my home for the last nine years alongside my wife and my two precious dogs. My wife is Chinese, was born in New Jersey, however was raised in Mexico City and returned to the United States in 1981. She has a degree in Marketing and has primarily worked in organizations where she can help minorities, especially those who do not speak English well.

We are a true American family...We are tri-cultural and tri-lingual. I rarely speak Portuguese anymore, however my wife and her family speak fluent Spanish and Chinese-Cantonese, along with English of course! I feel I have gained extensively from them by learning some Spanish, some Chinese-Cantonese and so much about both Mexican and Chinese cultures, music, traditions and authentic, distinctive foods! Our family embraces ethnic diversity, multiculturalism and equal rights and respect.

For more than 31 years, I have worked hard, impressing my employers and moving up the chain in management. I, however, have never forgotten my humble beginnings and sincerely believe that hard work, dedication, integrity, respect for others, loyalty and patience are the true driving forces of success. I am never hesitant in helping others and guiding individuals to the road to success.

I am a Senior-level Manager who is goal-oriented, results-producing with a proven record of achievement in all aspects of management, revenue generation and fiscal accountability; development, implementation and enforcement of Ordinances, use of technology for cost-saving purposes.

I am innovative, yet practical, with an ability to develop creative solutions to solve operational issues. I have gained exceptional leadership experience: capable of building and leading a performance-driven team with a focus on meeting established organizational goals. I am highly skilled in designing strategies to improve employee morale, team building, customer service, public image and community relations.

I have more than 31 years of experience in managing multi-million dollar projects, financial administration, fiscal discipline, lean processes, contract negotiations and labor relations. I have worked most of my career for local governmental agencies; so, I intimately understand the inner workings of City government and the complexities of governance. I have the experience, inner strength and will power to serve my fellow citizens with dedication, transparency and commitment.

Professional Overview:

  • Worked in managerial positions for the Port of Oakland, City and County of San Francisco, University of California Berkeley, City of Oakland and City of Berkeley.
  • Multi-million dollar (from a minimum of $2 million to $10.5 million) annual expenditure budget preparation and implementation.
  • Managed Departments which have generated revenues of more than $60 million annually.
  • Drafted City Ordinances and Resolutions and presented to City Council for approval.
  • Worked directly with City Council members on community projects' funding and implementation.
  • Developed specifications and RFP documents for multi-million dollar (from a low of $2.5 million to $6.4 million) projects.
  • Financial planning to fund key projects.
  • Managed Departments with over 120 employees respectively.
  • Served as Board member for the Lone Tree Estates Home Owners Association for more than 4 years and as President of the HOA for 2 years.
  • Commanding public speaker.

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Created from information supplied by the candidate: October 6, 2012 10:56
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