The goal is to keep Upper Merion a great community for us all. This entails supplying outstanding programs through Parks & Recreation, the Library, and Senior Center.
As Chair of the Upper Merion Community Center Sub-Committee, we have quickly learned of the citizen needs for services and facilities to meet their recreational and community expectations. To date, Upper Merion has more than 600 acres of land preserved as parks or open space, not including Valley Forge National Park. The township has further provided dedicated funding to expand open space. We also have one of the best Parks and Recreation programs in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. I endorse these initiatives and will work toward assurances of a Senion Center, should it need to vacate the current location due to construction of a school. In addition our Sub-Committee has finalized the request for proposal to determine the costs, funding, and ultimate use of a "community center", be it an existing or a new structure.