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Los Angeles County, CA March 8, 2005 Election
Smart Voter

Diminishing Budgets

By Dale Petrulis

Candidate for Board Member; Redondo Beach Unified School District

This information is provided by the candidate
All California school districts are struggling with the realities of diminishing budgets. The state is faced with a projection of a $7-billion deficit that will probably reduce educational budgets in all school districts, including Redondo Beach. Small school districts, such as Redondo Beach, have few choices when making cuts from their budget. We need creative solutions and outside funding. We need to look at structures and systems and make changes to improve service and reduce expenditures.
Problem: Shrinking education budgets

With tight budgets and the pressures of accountability, school districts face many difficult and challenging decisions--especially about reducing programs and personnel. Prior to making cuts, creative and comprehensice steps to enhance and support budgets must be taken.


  • Explore other sources of funding, including private foundations, state and federal grants, education foundations, and other community collaborators
  • Clarify district and program goals to match outside funder's goals to increase outside funding e.g. interests in music, interest in college counseling, etc.
  • Solicit input and provide feedback on all issues. Focus on the exchange of information and ideas to build trust and inspire confidence in a fair decision-making process
  • Explore alternative methods of delivering services, examining all structures to see which administrative, consultant, and other positions can be consolidated, while still providing needed services and supports, keeping cuts as far from the classroom as possible
  • Plan and promote ways to increase student attendance (to support instruction and increase revenues (school district funding is based on a $29.26 allocation per child, per day of actual attendance. Institute an aggressive recruitment of additional students from private schools; provide attendance incentives; and solicit parental cooperation to increase attendance and revenues
  • Build a more collaborative and cooperative relationship with the City of Redondo Beach to increase financial support to the school district and develop a shared responsibility for the education of our students
  • Take advantage of the state reimbursement for professional development when training is related to standards-based materials under AB 466 for teachers and AB 75 for administrators
  • Continue discussions with Manhattan Beach Unified School District regarding attendance at Mira Costa High School
  • Teach and encourage all stakeholders to DEMAND appropriate funding from the State of California

Please see and

"The measure of a society is its reverence for children" Dr. Arnold Gesell (Gesell Instutute of Human Development)

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