Fresno is a good place to live, but like any community,can be better. The FRES-Yes! theme will be used in concer with other image and promotion efforts by City organizations.
- Image - Improve image and visibility of Fresno, as well as providing jobs, through tourism. Use FRES Yes! theme to position Fresno as both a Gateway to the Great Parks and a charming mix of old and new California.
- Growth Management and Land Use - Address issues relating to population growth, retaining a viable agricultural industry, creating and sustaining a vibrant economy, and providing necessary housing. Support "smart growth" efforts currently underway, such as the Growth Alternatives Alliance's Farmland Preservation Plan, "A Landscape of Choice: Strategies for Improving Patterns of Community Growth", to develop a growth management plan that prepares the city and county of Fresno for the 21st century.
- High Density/Upscale Planned Senior Housing - As the "baby boom generation" retires shortly, demand for smaller homes in pleasant communities provides opportunities for planned development tied to efficient public transportation. Prototype is Del Webb's Phoenix, Tucson, Las Vegas and Roseville, California developments.
- Planning - Use the non-profit Great Valley Center in Modesto to help the region tackle issues such as land use, growth, economic development, agriculture, water, air quality, conservation and transportation.
- Stadium - Consider the development of a multi-purpose stadium downtown which will be both a source of pride and revenue.
- Lake - Develop a downtown lake for recreational and tourism purposes. The beauty and naturalness of water will be a natural magnet for citizens and visitors to spend time downtown.
- Parks - Develop more neighborhood parks.
- San Joaquin Parkway - Accelerate development of San Joaquin Parkway, the jewel in an expanded greater Fresno parks and recreation plan.
- Bike/foot trails - Support current efforts to develop bike and foot trails through Fresno.
- Forestiere Gardens - Promote famous Fresno historical site listed as National Landmark.
- Publicity - Establish annual "Onions and Orchids" awards to highlight the most beautiful and the least attractive aspects of Fresno.
- Highway 99 - Support highway 99 beautification efforts.
Signage Improve signage ordinance. Use grants to support commercial facade improvements.
- Median islands - Expand Green Streets, pilot project of Tree Fresno and the City of Fresno, to clean, maintain, and plant median islands.
- Neighborhoods - Form task force to define what is meant by a neighborhood, identify City of Fresno neighborhoods, develop plan for publicizing what is good about Fresno neighborhoods and/or what needs being done. Goal is to revitalize older neighborhoods while simultaneously knitting them together with newer ones.
- Old Administration Building - Mediate negotiations with the State Center Community College District and the Fresno County Historical Society to find an appropriate use for the Old Administration Building.
- Streets and Highways - Improve efficiency of streets such as installing timed stoplights. Advance timetable for extension of Freeway 180 west of Freeway 99 to connect southwest Fresno to the rest of the community, particularly Roeding Business Park.
- Mass Transit Consider use of Measure C for improved mass transport system when it expires in 2006.
- Airport and Airlines - Fresno will have a weak economic development program, lack a viable tourism program, and never attract many high-tech jobs unless it has better airline service.
- Railroads - Consolidate rail lines cutting through the city. Cooperate with Fresno County board of Supervisors in planning for high speed rail service through the Valley.
- Water - Because of serious ground water over-pumping and changes in Federal law/regulations, it is imperative that Fresno conserve water. Currently, industrial and multi-family residences have water meters. Water meters should be installed in new and existing single family homes.
- Air Quality - Sponsor "Blue Sky" campaign to improve air quality. Consider mass transit program.