Sacramento County, CA November 3, 1998 General
Smart Voter

Political Philosophy for Jacob L. "Jake" Rambo

Candidate for
Director; Elk Grove Community Services District

This information is provided by the candidate

My political philosophy is simple. Government must be effective, responsive and efficient.

Effective Government Effective government operates on the idea that if something works you use it and if it doesn't work you throw it out. An effective government is one which gets things done. It doesn't waste time on bad ideas. If the current approach isn't working find a new one. Effective government recognizes that a shot-gun approach to budgeting and resource management will produce marginal results.

Responsive Government Responsive government puts constituents first. Governments must recognize and hear the needs and wants of the people and act. Responsive government listens to constituents and works for them, it never places itself above them. Responsive government deals with constituents openly and honestly and never condescends to their concerns.

Efficient Government Efficient government is one which recognizes that the money it spends and the power it wields is entrusted it by the people. Efficient government is not necessary cheap government, but one who uses its money effectively and is never wasteful. Efficient government eliminates programs which are not effective and returns that money to the people through better programs or fee/tax reductions

By adhering to the these three principals I believe we can have a CSD which serves our community and its diverse interests well.

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Created from information supplied by the candidate: October 26, 1998 17:25
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