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    Candidates in the election:

  • Rita Maria Fernandez-Loof - Board Member; San Bernardino County Board of Education; Trustee Area B; San Bernardino County, CA
  • Holly Ferrante - Board Member; Lakeside Union Elementary School District; Full Term; San Diego County, CA
  • Vincent C. Ferrante - Harbor Commissioner; Moss Landing Harbor District; Monterey County, CA
  • Barbara J. Ferraro - Member, City Council; City of Rancho Palos Verdes; Los Angeles County, CA
  • Manuel Jacinto Ferreira - Council Member; City of Orange Cove; Fresno County, CA
  • Mark D. Ferreira - Board Member; Tuolumne Park & Recreation; Tuolumne County, CA
  • Tom Ferreira - Council Member; City of Hayward; Alameda County, CA
  • Jeremy Ferrell - Member, City Council; City of Fairfield; District 5; Solano County, CA

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