Our Airport is a major Gateway to our City and one of the largest pieces of property that the City owns. A Business Improvement Plan has been presented to the City by the Paso Robles Airport Association. These are the stakeholders who use the Airport and they are reaching out to the City to join them in bringing the Airport into a position to attract commercial enterprises and potentially lease out the remaining 25 parcels of land that are available for commercial purposes. We need a professional managing Board to lease properties, attract potential businesses, and develop the economic vitality of the Airport. I would recommend that stakeholders have a managing role to ensure success.
Another key component to encouraging business is providing the infrastructure at the Airport. We need a sewer trunk line installed on Dry Creek Road. This would benefit the aviation and commercial development on both sides of Dry Creek Road. I believe this improvement, and getting a collaborative effort with our stakeholders and the City, would jump start the development of new businesses at the Airport. I strongly support developing the Airport and I will support innovative approaches and solutions.