The state replaced the previous education funding model with a new Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) beginning in 2013. The LCFF provides a consistent base grant for all students throughout the state. It allocates additional, supplemental funds to districts with English learners, foster youth, and low income students. Districts with high populations of these targeted students receive higher overall funding per student. These supplemental funds must be primarily spent to increase and improve services to the targeted students.
Compared to district throughout California, San Juan Unified has fewer than average targeted students. Consequently, it receives less-than-average supplemental dollars, as they are distributed to districts with higher target student populations (Los Angeles, San Diego, Fresno, Long Beach, Twin Rivers, Sacramento City, etc.). Using the new LCFF, San Juan Unified received about $3 million less in 2013-14 than it would have received under the old funding model. In 2014-15, the district will receive an estimated $8 million less using the new LCFF.
As part of the new LCFF, the district is required to develop, adopt and annually update a three-year LCAP. The Board of Education adopted this plan in June 2014. The LCAP must include local goals that reflect priorities of the state, and measure progress for student subgroups across multiple performance indicators. The district must obtain parent and public input in developing, revising and updating the plan.