- Measure H
Appointed or Elected City Attorney
-- City of Oakland
(Charter Amendment - Majority Approval Required)
13287 /
26.8% Yes votes ......
36365 /
73.2% No votes
- Shall the Oakland City Charter be amended to return the City Attorney to an appointed position?
- Measure I
Temporary Fiscal Emergency Parcel Tax
-- City of Oakland
(2/3 Approval Required)
19011 /
37.7% Yes votes ......
31353 /
62.3% No votes
- Shall the City of Oakland establish a five year temporary fiscal emergency parcel tax to preserve essential city services, including fire, police services, and police technology, youth violence prevention, library, services, parks and recreation, and street repair, by establishing an $80 parcel tax for single-family homes and specified amounts for multi-family and commercial properties with an exemption for low-income households?
- Measure J
Deadline for Fully Funding Retirement Plan
-- City of Oakland
(Charter Amendment - Majority Approval Required)
22946 /
46.7% Yes votes ......
26164 /
53.3% No votes
- Shall the Charter be amended to allow the City of Oakland to change the deadline for fully funding its Police and Fire Retirement Plan to a new financially responsible deadline?