Position on SRO's
SRO's have always been a part of San Francisco and this country. Immigrants and low income workers have stayed in these establishments over the years. I believe SROS are necessary in San Francisco.
SRO's should be managed in a way that is acceptable to the residents who reside in the SRO's and the community around them. I have noticed however that SRO's are mainly condensed into one area and not spread out over the city as needed. If the SRO's are spread out over the city instead of concentrated in one specific area or over a two block area like the 6th street corridor. Our desired outcome from the residents and the residents themselves would be able to enjoy a much more safe and vibrant community. An 8 by 10 foot room is not a lot of space for an individual, nor for a couple or a mother and a child. We need to rethink the rooms and expand into more accommodating living conditions that will allow people to enjoy their living spaces as opposed to forcing people to use their city streets as a living room and gathering place. I believe by expanding the living quarters and upgrading to facilities that will be more delightful, and spread out the wealth of the SRO's then the community at large will enjoy the desired outcome they want.