The budget deficit should be on everyone's radar but not everyone agrees on how to make the appropriate changes for a fiscally responsible governemnt. I would want to introduce a sliding scale for the purpose of making fair salary cuts. We cannot lump all city employees together, their pay scales differ. So a 10% pay cut would be unfair to some who make much less than others.
I would also like to review and audit the cities internal operations that need updating. If we can make them more efficient and stream line the process so we can then save money that we can utilize elsewhere. We also need to look at contracts that we have been outsourcing to make sure we get a bigger bang for our buck.
I would like to be part of the cities bargaining unit so I can listen and understand to what the employees needs and concerns are; in regards to their pension plan. Then I can give them feedback as to what the city needs. Then together as a collaborative unit we can create a two tier plan that makes sense to all the stakeholders. We as a city can ill afford to further mortgage our childrens future.