This is a copy of information submitted to elections officials by the candidate
Statement of DAVID CLANCY, Candidate for
Member, San Jose City Council, District 1
Occupation: Commercial Real Estate Broker Age: 30
Education and Qualifications:
Like many of you, I feel that government has failed us from Washington to the City Council of San Jose. Pay for San Jose city workers has increased nearly 64% in the last nine years. These salary increases, pension liabilities and reckless spending policies have brought a fiscal crisis to San Jose. As a fifth generation native of the Bay Area, a graduate of SDSU, and a San Jose business owner in District 1, I will bring a fresh perspective to the City Council. I have refused special interest support and am therefore uniquely unencumbered by political liabilities. If I am elected I pledge to vote against new taxes and fees and insist upon a deficit neutral city budget. I will fight to streamline the permit and application requirements to make San Jose more 'business friendly' to return jobs and opportunity to our great city. I look forward to bringing a much needed business perspective to the San Jose City Council and working to resolve the current budget crisis.
Feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns at or (408)676-VOTE (8683. For additional information head to my website at