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Sonoma County, CA November 17, 2009 Election
Smart Voter Political Philosophy for Linell L. Hardy

Candidate for
Member of City Council to succeed George Barich; City of Cotati

This information is provided by the candidate

Cotati Needs Help!

Without immediate action the City of Cotati could face irreversible consequences and forever change from the small town we all love and support. We are struggling to maintain city services and find money in a tidal sea of ebbing resources. We could lose local control over police protection and other services if we are forced to look to Rohnert Park or Sonoma County for help with city administration.

This is the time to be prudent and manage the city's budget carefully!

An emergency revenue measure may be part of the solution and more cuts in all city departments may be necessary. Because of the world-wide financial meltdown, people are living with less. We're in the middle of a major shift in retail spending patterns. Cotati can no longer rely on consumerism and retail sales taxes. We must find sustainable sources of revenue. I will listen carefully and work hard to find the answers.

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Created from information supplied by the candidate: November 4, 2009 15:51
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