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All of Philadelphia County, PA May 19, 2009 Election
Smart Voter


By Diane Thompson

Candidate for Judge; Pennsylvania Court of Common Pleas; District 1

This information is provided by the candidate
It is important to elect judges who are familiar with the different neighborhoods and the people in this City.
I believe that judges need to pay attention to the issues affecting individual neighborhoods and communities and consider these issues when rendering decisions. Judges cannot be locked away in their ivory towers once elected and not know what is going on in the streets below. Two years ago I campaigned for a judicial position in Municipal Court. I knew before I began my campaign that everyone wants a voice in government, but I truly wasn't aware of the extent that people in our city raise their voices through local organizations, as I was mostly involved in my own community. Last year I worked diligently along with many other like-minded voters, on the campaign to elect Barack Obama as our President. I ran and won a seat as Alternate Delegate in the First Congressional District and attended the Democratic National Convention in Denver last August. I was fortunate to meet a great number of Philadelphians who were also inspired by Mr. Obama's campaign and was able to learn from them what they were doing to improve their neighborhoods. I am hoping to be elected by the PEOPLE in the neighborhoods of Philadelphia because I pledge to serve the people.

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