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All of Philadelphia County, PA May 19, 2009 Election
Smart Voter


By Diane Thompson

Candidate for Judge; Pennsylvania Court of Common Pleas; District 1

This information is provided by the candidate
I am seeking the Democratic nomination for Judge in the Court of Common Pleas of Philadelphia County primarily because I love this City and its people and I am deeply concerned about the rights of all persons to equal justice. Since I entered law school I felt called to seek a position on the bench. In my practice I have helped many clients who would otherwise not have legal representation by performing pro bono work or charging a sliding scale fee and by accepting payments over a long term. As a judge, I know I would be able to help many more people. I am committed to public service. Prior to my current career, I taught public school in Philadelphia and in the suburbs. My husband and I moved from suburban Philadelphia to the Olney area of Philadelphia so that we could raise our children in a diverse community. Our children attended public schools in Philadelphia and graduated from colleges in Philadelphia. I believe that I possess the qualities of compassion and tolerance which are necessary to administer justice. I possess excellent listening skills and I have a strong command of the law.

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