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Los Angeles County, CA February 24, 2009 Election
Smart Voter Additional Endorsements for Garen Yegparian

Candidate for
Member of the City Council; City of Burbank

This information is provided by the candidate

(Partial list of Endorsements)

Organizations and Elected Officials

+ Sierra Club
+ National Organization for Women
+ Burbank Democratic Club
+ Mexican-American Political Association
+ Paul Krekorian, Burbank's Assemblymember
+ Larry Applebaum, President Burbank School Board *

Community Individuals

+ Todd Campbell, Former Mayor and Councilmember
+ Mickey DePalo, Burbank Veterans Commemorative Committee, Child Care Committee
+ Lynn Kronzek, Burbank Water & Power Board *
+ Armine Hacobian, Child Care Committee *
+ Paul Dyson, Vice-Chair Transportation Commission, Burbank Transit Services Task Force *
+ John Brady, Burbank Human Relations Council - President *
+ Wendy James, Burbank Water and Power Board *
+ Marva Murphy, Senior Citizen Board, Child Care Committee, Transit Services Task Force *
+ Kathy Cerra, Tranist Services Task Force *
+ Bob Frutos, Burbank Police Commission *
+ Hagop Hergelian, Burbank Police Commission *
+ Alice Asmar, Art in Public Places Committee *
+ Armine Hacopian, Glendale Community College Trustee *
+ Mike & Jenny Garcia
+ David & Lynne Gerred
+ George Saikali
+ Armond Aghakhanian
+ Elizabeth Roberts

  • For identification purposes only. Does not denote organizational endorsement.

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The League of Women Voters does not support or oppose any candidate or political party.
Created from information supplied by the candidate: February 15, 2009 11:47
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