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Los Angeles County, CA February 24, 2009 Election
Smart Voter

On The Issues

By Dave Golonski

Candidate for Member of the City Council; City of Burbank

This information is provided by the candidate
Economy - One of my top priorities will be to continue to make sure we do everything possible to keep good jobs here in Burbank. I will ensure that we have a responsible balanced budget and accelerate our investment in infrastructure projects that will provide jobs and strengthen our community. As the federal government develops economic stimulus packages, we need to be poised to take advantage of the opportunities those programs present.

Development - I led the effort to reduce multi-family densities city-wide and will continue to push for commercial standards that will protect the character of our community and preserve Burbank's small town feel that we all cherish.

Traffic - I will continue to push for development standards that are based on traffic generation and make sure new development does not overwhelm our existing street system. I have been a leader in the opposition to street widening that would allow increased levels of development. I remain steadfast in my belief that we should not allow new development that cannot be accommodated by the existing infrastructure.

Sustainability - I have pushed to make Burbank a leader in implementing prudent and cost-effective environmental practices that will benefit both current and future generations.

Challenges vs Opportunities - During my service as your representative on the city council and as your mayor, I have focused on transforming the challenges our community faces into opportunities. We need this type of focus now more than ever.

For more information or to find out how you can help re-elect Dave, go to or call me at 843-2948.

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