The Central Coast work force training needs, particularly from the service industry needs attention.
Cuesta College has great potential for serving the business community in the professional/technical (vocational)program areas. I have heard from business men and women many times lament about their work force concerns, particularly in the service industry. A highly trained work force is essential for good business. This area's tourism and hospitality industry is one of the mainstays and economic engines for the central coast. The high cost of living here keeps highly trained prospective out-of-state employees from seeking employment here and we cannot afford to pay them the salaries they require to move here. As I see it, the only alternative, which is also good for the community, is to train citizens who already live in the central coast. Cuesta already has some programs in place, however the way they are structured may prevent emloyers from supporting employee training. The whole idea of time, place and manner of how these programs are delivered needs to be assessed for opportunity and effectiveness.