- Traffic Lights
Geary Blvd is one of the busiest streets in San Francisco. All missing lights must be installed from the Geary tunnel to The Great Highway and timed to move traffic at a safe efficient speed. This will improve traffic flow and improve safety for pedestrians, cyclists, and motorists.
Traffic lights must also be added to other corridors such as Lake, Clement, California, Balboa, and Fulton
- Repair of roads, streets, sidewalks and curbs
Roads, streets, sidewalks and curbs must be replaced at regular 10 year intervals. Money must be set aside each year in a separate fund to pay for replacement of these items on a scheduled timley basis.
- Clean Neighborhood
Graffiti on street signs must be removed within 24 hours. Items discarded on sidewalks and roads must be cleared on a daily basis. Graffiti on private property should also be removed by the city free of charge within 24 hours with permission of the property owner.