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San Diego County, CA June 3, 2008 Election
Smart Voter

Aerospace work experience

By John R. Edwards

Candidate for Trustee; San Diego Community College District; Trustee Area B

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Aerospace work, as I knew it, has left town.
My experience with aerospace showed that leaders are the people who could express themselves, who could do the math, who could spell and use good grammar. They also worked hard, long hours. If a theory was wrong, they changed the theory to fit the data. They flew test vehicles. When they failed, there was a big study to find what failed and find the best way to fix it.

Managers encouraged their people to work hard, to carry more of the load, to take classes. But, they were also hard; they laid off people, they fired people. If a project ended or was canceled, a large number of people were laid off at the same time and marched out the gate. Such times were hard; but someone got the contract. People tried to follow the contract; that was where the money was. For those left in town, a new project might get them rehired. It was how aerospace worked when the Atlas and other missles/ launch vehicles were developed.

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