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Los Angeles County, CA May 15, 2007 Election
Smart Voter

Current Accomplishments, Future Goals

By Georgia L. Mercer

Candidate for Member of the Board of Trustees; Los Angeles Community College District; Office 5

This information is provided by the candidate
I've enjoyed serving two terms on the Board and have been a part of the great team that has led the College District into the 21st Century. We have made significant progress in terms of increasing student enrollment, reducing costs, modernizing facilities and beginning new construction. But there is still so much more to do!
I'm glad to have this opportunity to tell you why you should vote for me so that I can continue my work on the L.A. Community College Board.

I've enjoyed serving two terms on the Board and have been a part of the great team that has led the College District into the 21st Century. We have made significant progress in terms of increasing student enrollment, reducing costs, modernizing facilities and beginning new construction. But there is still so much more to do!

I also currently serve on the State Chancellor's Strategic Planning Committee, which enables me to influence the long-term planning needed to improve students' access and success throughout all of California's 72 community college districts.

Here are some of the recent accomplishments that I am most proud of-

- Our district is probably in the best fiscal position ever. This was one of our top goals, and we have achieved it.

- Secondly, when I was first elected there had been no major building upgrades in decades. Deferred maintenance was taking its toll. My fellow board members and I were able to change all that by exceeding expectations and passing 2 construction bond measures to bring essential money to renovate and modernize our nine campuses.

- Finally, I was a major force in using these two bond measures to help implement the largest public sector environmentally friendly building program in the nation.

With your vote, here are some of the things I plan to accomplish in my next term:

· I want to improve our counseling and mentoring programs so that every one our students has the opportunity to complete their certificate or degree program. The number of students who currently complete their programs is much too low.

· Secondly, I want to increase our career and technical training opportunities. Our community colleges train most of California's nurses and medical technicians and provide continuing-training programs for firefighters, police and EMTs. We can do a better job to train more students for these high-paying jobs that enhance the quality of life for all of us.

· Lastly, I will be ever vigilant in overseeing the spending of the taxpayers Bond money on our renovations and new buildings.

I continue to be challenged and energized by the opportunity to make a difference in the lives of our 130,000 students each year. While we have made great strides in the past few years, there is still so much to be done to improve access for students and improve their ability to complete certificate and degree programs.

I hope to have your support and vote in the May 15th, general election. Thank you!

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