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Hamilton County, OH November 8, 2005 Election
Smart Voter Political Philosophy for Carol A. (Barth) Anthony

Candidate for
Trustee; Township of Harrison

This information is provided by the candidate

Candidate Name Carol A. Anthony

1. First of all, I would reinstate our local ADA Committee, and have a representative from the Board of Trustees sit on this Committee. I would personally talk to persons with various disabilities and find out where the needs are and how they could best be served. I would send notification to all department heads of all public facilities, and do follow-up, that proper action had been taken. I would hold the Fire Chief, and Chief of Police, as well as Senior Center Coordinator, and park officials, accountable. I would also look into the local churches taking these same measures.

2. I would attempt to make recycling a part of everyone in the community's daily routine. It is paramount. I would push for mandatory recycling, if I could get the local waste haulers to get a program that would be workable and cost effective for everyone. I feel that getting the program started in our schools would help keep it going and spreading into every home in our community.

3. The first step would be to find jobs for those people who still cannot afford housing. Fortunately, we do have several companies who do hire several people each year who can work to pay for affordable housing. We don't have much greenspace left in our area, but I know some local builders who would be willing to put up some housing at an affordable rate. Our downtown is also renovating and apartment space is available, if people are willing to work.

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Created from information supplied by the candidate: September 19, 2005 06:51
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