- Measure C
-- Delano Joint Union High School District
(2/3 Majority Approval Required)
3,321 /
73.0% Yes votes ......
1,231 /
27.0% No votes
(72.65%) Yes / 1024 (27.35%) No in Kern County
(74.38%) Yes / 207 (25.62%) No in Tulare County
- To relieve student overcrowding by building new classrooms and facilities throughout the District and to make the District eligible for State matching funds, shall the Delano Joint Union High School District issue $55 million of bonds at the lowest possible interest rates so long as spending is annually reviewed by an independent citizens’ oversight committee, no money is used for administrative salaries and all funds are spent locally and not transferred to the State?
- Measure E
-- Kings River Union Elementary School District
(55% Approval Required)
300 /
65.65% Yes votes ......
157 /
34.35% No votes
- Shall the Kings River Union Elementary School District:
Prepare for future growth and provide facilities that best serve the students and community by constructing and equipping a multipurpose building, or a science lab and/or library, and by issuing $850,000 of bonds at interest rates below the legal limit?
- Measure F
Sales Tax
-- City of Dinuba
(2/3 Approval Required)
1776 /
73.82% Yes votes ......
630 /
26.18% No votes
- In order to hire, train and retain police/firefighters/paramedics/9-1-1 dispatchers; expand neighborhood/school policing and crime prevention efforts including more after-school, anti-gang and anti-drug programs; upgrade the 9-1-1 Emergency Response Center; and purchase fire engines/ambulances, shall the sales tax be increased by three-quarters of a cent with citizens oversight, guaranteed independent annual financial audits, 10-year reviews, and no money for administrators’ salaries?
- Measure G
Utility Users Tax
-- City of Farmersville
(Majority Approval Required)
400 /
46.08% Yes votes ......
468 /
53.92% No votes
- Shall Farmersville voters enact a 4% utility users tax to restore and ensure essential government functions including animal control, police, fire, park facilities maintenance, and other general fund services continue in the future?
- Measure H
Sales Tax
-- City of Porterville
(2/3 Approval Required)
4362 /
70.28% Yes votes ......
1845 /
29.72% No votes
- In order to increase the number of police and firefighters, expand neighborhood crime prevention efforts, improve 9-1-1 response times and communication, upgrade the 9-1-1 dispatch center, build a new fire station, and expand and improve anti-gang, anti-drug and anti-bullying programs, shall the sales tax be increased by one-half cent with citizens oversight and independent annual performance and financial audits?
- Measure I
Sales Tax
-- City of Tulare
(Majority Approval Required)
5285 /
71.27% Yes votes ......
2130 /
28.73% No votes
- To maintain and improve vital city services such as Police, Fire, and paramedic services, 911 response times, anti-gang programs, street and pothole repair, parks, recreation, library, tree trimming, code enforcement and other services, shall the sales tax be increased by a maximum of one-half of a cent with citizens= oversight and independent annual financial audits?
- Measure J
Snow Removal Fee
-- Ponderosa Community Services District
(2/3 Approval Required)
20 /
68.97% Yes votes ......
9 /
31.03% No votes
- Shall the Ponderosa Community Services District be permitted to increase, on an annual basis starting in the 2006-2007 fiscal year, the annual snow removal fee paid by each District property owner, in accordance with the Los Angeles Engineering News Record as set forth in the May edition of each year, in order for the District to maintain its ability to continue to provide and maintain snow removal service?
- Measure K
-- Kingsburg Joint Union High School District
2,828 /
66.0% Yes votes ......
1,456 /
34.0% No votes
(67.1%) Yes / 1112 (32.9%) No in Fresno County
(55.61%) Yes / 99 (44.39%) No in Kings County
(64.02%) Yes / 245 (35.98%) No in Tulare County
- To raise money for improvement projects at Kingsburg High School, including Football Bowl upgrades and improvements; Old Gym upgrades and improvements; added parking; landscape beautification; softball field upgrades and improvements, upgrades and improvements on other athletic fields; and Little Theater upgrades and improvements, shall Kingsburg Joint Union High School District issue and sell up to $7,000,000 of bonds at not to exceed the maximum legal interest rate?
- Measure L
Special Tax Increase
-- Woodlake Fire Protection District
(2/3 Approval Required)
406 /
60.69% Yes votes ......
263 /
39.31% No votes
- To prevent threatening delays in emergency and fire fighting response and lowering the staffing of firefighters of the District fire station, shall the District increase the special tax by $22.60 per year which equates to $1.88 per month for a single unit dwelling and which shall increase annually thereafter in the same percentage as the Consumer Price Index, thus maintaining a full strength local fire department that insures rapid emergency response, protection of lives and property?