This is a more complete version of the statement of candidacy which I had placed in the Voter Guide
Over the past four years, I've discussed Boulder Creek Recreation and Park District issues with outgoing director Sharon Barbour. Two years ago, I began observing occasional monthly meetings and I started considering running should Director Barbour step down.
The Boulder Creek Recreation and Park District administers programs of many types, for all ages. I feel strongly about these programs and I believe that I could be a valuable resource, especially concerning youth programs.
The BCRPD board has not always excelled at working together fluidly. A combination of differing world views, judgmentalism, and failure to compromise have led to conflict. I believe strongly in understanding and compromise. The goal is to find the best answer to concerns before the board, regardless of the source.
As a full time student with little time to earn money and many economic needs, I've learned to prioritize necessities. This will guide me to make proper decisions regarding allocating funds and how much money is acceptable on any one concern.
I believe that the purpose of a recreation district is to provide a place for people to gather, learn, play and keep active, mentally and physically. Our parks should be clean and pleasant to be in, our programs should be organized, easy to access, diverse, and there should be programs for all ages. Further, the activities in our parks should be self contained and should not negatively affect anyone in proximity. Our politics should lead to these ends.
I'm currently an Executive Board Member of the Cabrillo College Chapter of the California Community College Honor Society, "Alpha Gamma Sigma," an organization with high emphasis academic success and community service. I've practiced the duties and obligations of an office holder and I feel comfortable with both leadership and working together for a common goal. I'm anxious to use this experience for the good of the citizens of Boulder Creek.