I will investigate every option for improving our water taste and smell.
When I first moved to Dublin in 1971, it took my family and I six months to get used to the water. DSRSD has made many improvments since those days but taste and smell are still poor.
San Ramon residents have EBMUD water. Some of the best our Sierra have to offer. But some water rights in California
predate statehood and ownershbip is coveted.
The water that Dublin and the Dougherty Valley receives comes from the State Water project that begins at the Oroville and Dam. It is mixed with Delta water on its journey here which contains effluent from several waste water treatment plants.
While the end product meets or exceeds state water quality standards, as we all know the taste ans smel;l leave a lot to be desired.
I think by combining forces with the other Valley retailers, we can assist Zone 7 in improving the taste and smell. There are processes out there that can do it. We'll just have to find a way to pay for it.