Loveland's need for a stronger tax base must not come at the expense of its residential neighborhoods.
The City of Loveland stands poised for smart growth which will enable its residents a stronger and more secure tax base. However, smart growth does NOT mean unrestrained growth. The notion of "spot zoning" for haphazard commercial development is not a solution. All of Loveland residents are aware of the need for the revitalization of the Loveland-Madeira corridor and the Historic downtown district. These two areas should be the focus of our econonic development attention. The City administration needs to become "business friendly" (especially in these past few years of economic slowdown). Minutia signage, frontage, paint color, set-back issues need not be mountains which a business owner must climb, costing precious time and capital which could be better spent in actually growing a business, providing jobs for local residents and ultimately adding to Loveland's tax base. Development certainly needs to have a long term focus, but with a component on the immediate. Specifically, wasting tax dollars (and community good will) on the historic Paxton-Ramsey (White Pillars) project will do nothing but discourage future development and business growth. Such an ill concieved project sends the wrong message to potential business owners and residents.