This information is provided by the candidate
Jesse Gabriel, ASUC President
Han Hong, ASUC Executive VP
Wally Adayemo, ASUC President, 2001-2002
Josh Fryday, ASUC External VP, 2001-2002
Anka Lee, President Cal Democrats, 2001-2002
Kristin Guess, External Affairs VP, Cal Democrats
Jeffery Miller, President, Undergraduate Political Science Association* (for ID purposes only)
Wesley Spowhn, Executive Secretary, Undergraduate Political Science
Association* (for ID purposes only)
Kris Primm, ASUC senator
Shaudi Falamaki, ASUC senator
Taz Patel, ASUC senator
Cliff Costa, ASUC senator
Andy Ho, ASUC senator
Jengyee Liang, ASUC senator
Christopher Fong, ASUC senator
Jon Fong, ASUC senator
Frank Lee, ASUC senator
Jennifer Ro, ASUC senator
Misha Leybovich, ASUC senator
Paul La Fata, ASUC senator
Amiethab Aiyer, President Indus* (for ID purposes only)
Prof. Jack Citrin, Political Science
Prof. Robert Alter, Comparative Literature
Prof. Dorit Hochbaum, Haas Business School
Shirley Dean, Mayor
Betty Olds, Councilmember
Miriam Hawley, Councilmember
Shirley Issel, President of School Board
Pam Doolan, Former Schoolboard President
John DeClercq, President of Berkeley Chamber of Commerce
Susie Medak, Former Chair, Berkeley Arts in Education Steering Committee
Jim Smith, VP of the Berkeley Safe Neighborhoods Organization
Susan Levine, Civic Arts Commissioner
Joan Collignon, Waterfront Commissioner
Susan Wengraf, Planning Commissioner
David Tabb, Planning Commissioner
Henk Boverhuis, Transporation Commissioner
Bob Migdal, Housing Advisory Commisssioner
Thom Seaton, Peace and Justice Commissioner
Sandra Curtis, Peace and Justice Commissioner
David Weinberg, Peace and Justice Commissioner
John Caner, Willard Park Leader
George Beier, Willard Park Leader
Greg Murphy, Former trustee, Friends of Willard Park