Current Council members have been promising change/support of local businesses for years, yet nothing has happened.
Public policy, which is set by Village Council, in Greenhills hinders local businesses from competing effectively with neighboring retail centers. Our shopping center not only serves our community, but must also rely on people outside of Greenhills to make their businesses economically viable. (This isn't unique to Greenhills businesses -- what would happen to Tri-County Mall if the only people who could shop there had to live in Tri-County? I'm not sure, but I think the mall would a very short list of business tenants indeed.) While, to my knowledge, Greenhills has no rules stating that businesses in our shopping center can only do business with Greenhills residents, zoning rules that prevent any road signage, create inadequate parking and the general physical condition around the shopping center make it difficult for the Greenhills business community to compete. Greenhills has no policy to help local businesses compete with surround communities and is lead by a Village Council with no real business experience. More business experience is needed on Council, and I have this experience.