- Occupation: retired-MID 32 years service
- Retired 1996 after 32 years service from meter reader to line maintenance manager
- Graduated Ceres 1958
- MJC 2 1/2 years agriculture major
- represented MID on several government agencies
- Backed by AFSCME, IBEW1245,Central labor council
- Backed by MID employess and friends and neighbors
Top Priorities if Elected |
- Maintain low electric, irrigation rates and protect water rights
- Lower MID dept of 3\4 billion dollars without raising electric rates
- pursue informed responsible spending
- Afscme union (Assoc. of Federal,State,County and Municipal Employees
- IBEW local 1245, Central Labor Council and Building and Construction Trades
- Friends, neighbors and MID employees
- Campaign Platform
Informed, resposible spending to lower MID depbt load without raising Rates. Protect water rights and low irrigation rates.
- personal backgkround
Local native