- Measure E
School Bond
-- Forestville Union School District
1,041 /
71.1% Yes votes ......
423 /
28.9% No votes
- To provide funding needed for improvements to school buildings and grounds, including replacement of aging portables with new permanent classrooms, expansion of school library facilities, renovation of existing classrooms and renovation and/or construction of new facilities, and student and campus safety improvements; to qualify for any State matching grants; and for acquisition of interests in land; shall the Forestville Union School District be authorized to issueup to $5,100,000 in bonds at interest rates within the legal limit?
- Measure F
Appropriations Limit Renewal
-- Occidental Community Services District
642 /
94.0% Yes votes ......
41 /
6.0% No votes
- In 1997 the voters approved an increase in the District spending limit (Ordinance No. 5-R) which allowed special tax funds to be spend on fire and emergency medical services; should this spending limit be renewed for another four years to allow the District to continue to spend the approved special tax funds for your local fire and emergency medical services?
- Measure G
Proposed Formation
-- North Sonoma County Hospital District
10,057 /
86.4% Yes votes ......
1,581 /
13.6% No votes
- Shall the order adopted on August 1, 2001, by the Local Agency Formation Commission of Sonoma County ordering the formation of the North Sonoma County Hospital District be approved, subject to the terms and conditions specified in the order, including the establishment of an appropriations limit for the District of $10,000,000.00, and contingent upon the concurrent passage of a special tax through two-thirds voter approval as set forth in this ballot as Measure H?
- Measure H
-- North Sonoma County Hospital District
9,811 /
84.4% Yes votes ......
1,808 /
15.6% No votes
- In order to repay outstanding hospital indebtedness and to defray ongoing general operation and capital improvement expenses of the North Sonoma County Hospital District shall the District be authorized to impose and levy a special tax of up to a maximum of $85 per parcel for each year beginning July 1, 2002?