LWV League of Women Voters of California
San Diego County, CA November 7, 2000 Election
Smart Voter Political Philosophy for Samuel E. "Sam" Williamson

Candidate for
City Council; City of Oceanside

This information is provided by the candidate

My philosophy has always been pro-business. Successful businesses create wealth which in turn create tax revenues which may be used to maintain the infrastructure of a city. I think it's clear the development does not create growth. Population growth is natural; development takes place to accomodate the natural growth of an area. Oceanside does not need to grow so much as it needs to redevelop and renew.

I have lived here for over 47 years. I do not have a negative image of the City, in fact, the contrary is true. In general, a city prospers when it's crime rate is low, traffic moves smoothly, recreational facilities are plentifully available, and commercial businesses are convenient. What Oceanside needs most are financial and tax incentives for redevelopment in key areas.

Facility driven improvements should be the planning mantra of Oceanside.

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ca/sd Created from information supplied by the candidate: October 7, 2000 07:27
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