Los Angeles County, CA April 11, 2000 Election
Smart Voter

What "Chivetta" Stands For

By Charles "Chuck" Chivetta, Sr.

Candidate for Council Member; City of Arcadia

This information is provided by the candidate
"Chivetta" Stands for Fiscal Responsibility, Safety, Transportation, Business, and Support of H.O.A.-A.R.B. Organizations.

  • FISCAL RESPONSIBILITY - Above all else we cannot squander our resources. If elected, I will work with my fellow council members to run our city like a business. As your city council representative, I will make decisions as if you were stockholders. I will take personal responsibility to assure a return on your investment in me.

  • SAFETY - We have the right to feel safe in our neighborhoods. Safety includes protection from those who would harm us as well as protection in the form of safe buildings, streets, and community centers. Seniors should be able to travel, shop and recreate in the city with a sense of security and serenity. I have law enforcement experience and I know the demands on those who provide it, our local uniformed services. I will use this knowledge to work with our police, fire, and city departments to help them provide the best services available to you.

  • TRANSPORTATION - Everyone in our community should have access to public transportation. We need to enhance the city's Dial-A-Ride program so that it will achieve greater mobility for everyone in our city.

  • BUSINESS - It is time to provide a means for attracting new businesses for entertainment, leisure, and shopping to our city. Too many dollars leave our community because people have a limited local alternative. I will work with the planning commission, city staff, the county and the state to obtain incentives for business to locate in Arcadia.

  • H.O.A.-A.R.B. - I support these organizations. They are a benefit to our community. They provide a better quality of life and development goals for all of their neighbors. Their local autonomy should not be usurped by any legislative act.

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ca/la Created from information supplied by the candidate: April 5, 2000 16:57
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