The state Should help but not interfere with the rights and duties of parents. A strong family means a strong America.
It is a truism requiring no further proof that the human family is the fundamental unit of society. Today the family is under attack everywhere. Social problems like divorce, pornography and violence by and against children abound. Children need two parents to rear them. Today parents are often too busy to spend quality time with their children. I would favor public assistance and/or tax credits to those mothers who would prefer to remain at home taking care of their children rather than being forced into the work place to the neglect of those children. The inculcation of moral values belongs to parents, not the state. Moral values cannot be legislated. The state should be concerned with assisting in every way good parents but in such a way so as not to interfere with parental rights and duties. The state must help but not usurp the rights of parents. Strenghen the family and you will strengthen America. If elected, I shall work to present candidates who share these ideals.