Carrying Out the Will of the Voters on Transportaion Issues Can Enhance Our Economic Development Opportunities
Whether one agrees with the outcome of elections, the will of the voters must prevail. In spite of some misgivings relative to modern solutions, I am committed to the concept of the ultimate democratic principle; the right to go to the polls,vote and have it carried out by the policy makers.When the San Mateo Bridge widening project is completed, it will funnel even more traffic into a narrowed area of our city. We must work with the State Department of Transportation to come up with 880/92 flyover solutions that DO NOT destroy some of the best neighborhoods in the city. I simply will not support the destruction of the areas around the 880/92 project.
The Clawiter/Whitesell road project will allow easier access to the industrial areas thus allowing us to attract even more high tech and biotech businesses. This area of our city is already laden with high tech businesses and we need to attract more.I am proud to have been a Councilmember for the last 6 years and supported this important project.
If on other voter approved projects,less intrusive alternatives are developed. I would consider them,subject to the will of the voters should they decide to reverse earlier decisions.