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Stanislaus County, CA November 8, 2022 Election
Directory of Stanislaus County, CA Measures
County Results as of Sep 17 10:03pm, 100.0% of Precincts Reporting (199/199)
46.8% Countywide Voter Turnout (132,142/282,393)

Click on ballot measure for more detail.

Measure B. Mayoral Term of Office -- City of Waterford (Majority Approval Required)
Pass: 1,046 / 55.49% Yes votes ...... 839 / 44.51% No votes
Shall the elective mayor for the City of Waterford serve a four-year term?

Measure C. Reduce Number of Board Members -- Knights Ferry Elementary School District (Majority Approval Required)
Fail: 90 / 35.86% Yes votes ...... 161 / 64.14% No votes
Shall the measure for decreasing the number of members of the governing board of Knights Ferry Elementary School District from five to three be adopted?

Measure D. Special Tax -- Westside Community Health Care District (2/3 Approval Required)
Fail: 2,239 / 46.8% Yes votes ...... 2,543 / 53.2% No votes
   1,166 (48.52%) Yes / 1,237 (51.48%) No in Stanislaus County
   1073 (45.10%) Yes / 1306 (54.90%) No in Merced County
To preserve public safety and ensure essential ambulance services within our community, shall the Westside Community Health Care District be authorized to levy a special tax in the initial amount of $69 per parcel, increasing by up to 3% each year thereafter, raising approximately $600,000, annually until repealed, to fund life saving services with accountability measures and all money staying local?

Measure E. School Bond -- Patterson Joint Unified School District (55% Approval Required)
Pass: 3,435 / 60.7% Yes votes ...... 2,222 / 39.3% No votes
   3,422 (60.87%) Yes / 2,200 (39.13%) No in Stanislaus County
   13 (37.14%) Yes / 22 (62.86%) No in Santa Clara County
To expand vocational career and technical education facilities; increase labs and training sites to prepare students for college and future jobs; and build new classrooms to relieve overcrowding; shall Patterson Joint Unified School District's bond authorizing $74 million be approved with legal rates, projected levies below $57/ $100,000 of assessed valuation (generating $3.9 million/ year while bonds are outstanding), annual audits, independent oversight and all funds spent locally with no money taken by the State and spent elsewhere?

Measure G. Charter Amendment -- City of Modesto (Majority Approval Required)
Pass: 34,310 / 68.58% Yes votes ...... 15,721 / 31.42% No votes
To promote efficiency, transparency, and modernization of City government, shall the Charter of the City of Modesto be amended to increase and clarify the powers and duties of the City Auditor, create a permanent audit committee, change the timing of the mayoral election to coincide with the statewide primary and general election, adjust the timeline for preparation and adoption of the annual budget, and make several other minor changes?

Measure H. Special Tax -- City of Modesto (Majority Approval Required)
Pass: 32,031 / 62.89% Yes votes ...... 18,897 / 37.11% No votes
To fund general city services in the City of Modesto, such as police patrols, gang, drug, and crime prevention; fire protection, paramedic/911 emergency response; addressing homelessness; cleaning-up trash and illegal dumping; keeping streets, parks, sidewalks, landscapes and infrastructure safe, clean, and well-maintained, shall an ordinance establishing a one-cent sales tax be adopted, providing $39,000,000 annually for general government use in Modesto until ended by voters, with citizen oversight and all money locally controlled?

Measure J. School Bond -- Waterford Unified School District (55% Approval Required)
Fail: 1,321 / 54.32% Yes votes ...... 1,111 / 45.68% No votes
To improve local schools with funds that cannot be taken by the State and spent elsewhere, shall Waterford Unified School District's measure to expand vocational education sites; renovate classrooms including math, science and engineering labs; update emergency preparedness and improve handicapped access be adopted, authorizing $5.57 million of bonds with legal interest rates, projected levies averaging below 3¢/ $100 of assessed valuation (averaging $370,000/ year for 26 years), annual audits, citizen oversight and no increase in tax rates?

Measure L. School Bond -- Modesto City Schools District (55% Approval Required)
Pass: 36,339 / 56.39% Yes votes ...... 28,107 / 43.61% No votes
To update career training classrooms, labs/equipment to prepare students for the workforce; repair leaking roofs/deteriorating plumbing; and update classrooms/science labs for quality instruction in math, science, reading/writing, shall the Modesto City High School District measure be adopted authorizing $198,000,000 in bonds at legal rates, providing approximately $9,700,000 annually at an estimated 2.9 cents per $100 assessed value while bonds are outstanding, with citizen oversight, annual audits, no funds for administrator salaries, and funds used locally?

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Created: September 17, 2024 22:03 PDT
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