Click on ballot measure for more detail.
- Measure B-22.
Parcel Tax
-- City of Morro Bay
(Majority Approval Required)
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0.0% Yes votes ......
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0.0% No votes
- Shall the measure, to exclusively fund City of Morro Bay owned harbor infrastructure (such as docks,
piers, Harbor walk, sea walls, public restroom, revetments, launch ramps) through preventative
maintenance and capital improvements, revenues used only for these purposes and unable to be used
for any other purpose providing approximately $680,000 annually, through annual $120 special parcel
tax on all parcels of taxable real property, adjusted for inflation, until ended by voters, be adopted?
- Measure C-22.
School Bond
-- San Luis Coastal Unified School District
(55% Approval Required)
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0.0% Yes votes ......
0 /
0.0% No votes
- To improve the quality of education; repair/replace roofs; upgrade and
renovate 50 to 60-year-old classrooms, restrooms, and school facilities;
provide equity at sites; and make safety/security improvements; shall San
Luis Coastal Unified School District's measure be approved authorizing
$349,000,000 of bonds at legal rates, levying an estimated 4.9 cents per
$100 of assessed value generating on average $17,970,000 annually while
bonds are outstanding, with annual audits, independent citizens'
oversight, NO money for salaries and all funds spent locally?
- Measure D-22.
Sales Tax
-- City of Arroyo Grande
(Majority Approval Required)
0 /
0.0% Yes votes ......
0 /
0.0% No votes
- To provide funding for general governmental use in Arroyo Grande, including maintenance and
repair of streets, sidewalks, stormwater and drainage facilities, and for other City programs and
facilities, shall an ordinance establishing a one percent sales tax be adopted, providing
approximately $5,600,000 annually until ended by the City Council and requiring annual reports
on revenues and expenditures, and review and public hearing by the City Council every five
years on its necessity?
- Measure E-22.
City Treasurer Appointive
-- City of El Paso De Robles
(Majority Approval Required)
0 /
0.0% Yes votes ......
0 /
0.0% No votes
- Shall the Office of City Treasurer be Appointive?
- Measure F-22.
Transient Occupancy Tax
-- City of El Paso De Robles
(Majority Approval Required)
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0.0% Yes votes ......
0 /
0.0% No votes
- Shall the measure to help maintain quality of life for residents; retain local small businesses, jobs;
address homelessness; maintain wildfire prevention; keep public areas/ Downtown Paso Robles
safe/clean; upgrade infrastructure; other general services, by increasing the transient occupancy tax
(paid by hotel, motel, shortterm rental guests) from 10% to 11%, providing $750,000 annually until
ended by voters, requiring public spending disclosure, all funds for Paso Robles, be adopted?
- Measure G-22.
-- Cambria Community Healthcare District
(2/3 Approval Required)
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0.0% Yes votes ......
0 /
0.0% No votes
- To improve the ambulance station/ healthcare facility; replace 65-year-old building with modern one meeting current County codes and standards; and improve safety/ security for residents and visitors; shall Cambria Community Healthcare District's measure be adopted authorizing $8,500,000 of bonds at legal rates, generating on average $560,000 annually while bonds are outstanding at a rate of approximately 1.0 cent per $100 assessed value, with annual audits, independent citizens' oversight committee, NO money for salaries and all funds spend locally?
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