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Sacramento County, CA November 8, 2022 Election
Directory of Sacramento County, CA Measures
County Results as of Apr 2 1:44pm, 100.0% of Precincts Reporting (685/685)
56.0% Countywide Voter Turnout (484,315/865,225)

Click on ballot measure for more detail.

Measure A. Transportation Maintenance Safety and Congestion Relief Act 2022 -- County of Sacramento (Majority Approval Required)
Fail: 203,559 / 44.38% Yes votes ...... 255,160 / 55.62% No votes
To fix potholes and repair damaged streets; provide safe routes to school; expand affordable senior and disabled transit services; eliminate bottlenecks and improve emergency response times; reduce traffic congestion; and improve air quality; Shall the measure approving the Sacramento County Transportation, Maintenance, Safety and Congestion Relief Act of 2022 - Retail Transactions and Use Tax Initiative, including a 40-year 0.5% sales tax raising an estimated $212,512,500 annually for transportation and transit projects, be adopted?​

Measure B. Cannabis Business Tax -- County of Sacramento (Majority Approval Required)
Pass: 244,037 / 53.55% Yes votes ...... 211,677 / 46.45% No votes
Shall the measure to fund enhanced County homeless services, including those benefitting the American River Parkway, by establishing a special tax on the gross receipts from cannabis and hemp businesses in unincorporated Sacramento County, not exceeding 6% for retail, 4% for manufacturing, 3% for distribution, 2% for testing and, 3% for cultivation or $10 per canopy square foot inflation adjustable, generating an estimated $5,100,000 to $7,700,000 annually, and levied until repealed by the voters, be adopted?

Measure D. Affordable Housing -- County of Sacramento (Majority Approval Required)
Pass: 275,943 / 60.90% Yes votes ...... 177,165 / 39.10% No votes
Shall the unincorporated County of Sacramento and incorporated cities within, including Sacramento, Elk Grove, Citrus Heights, Folsom, Galt, Rancho Cordova, and Isleton, be authorized to annually develop, acquire, or construct housing for low-income persons and families, including elderly or disabled persons, equivalent with 1% of the existing housing units in the county? Any unconstructed housing units in each year will be carried over annually.

Measure E. Transactions and Use Tax -- City of Elk Grove (2/3 Approval Required)
Fail: 30,434 / 54.30% Yes votes ...... 25,611 / 45.70% No votes
o support essential services such as crime reduction; rapid 9-1-1, fire, police, medical emergency/disaster response; keeping public areas safe/clean; addressing homelessness; pothole repair/street/park maintenance; youth crime/gang prevention programs; and other general community purposes; shall the measure establishing a 1¢ sales tax providing approximately $21,300,000 annually until ended by voters; requiring audits, citizen oversight, public spending disclosures, and all funds locally controlled, be adopted?

Measure G. Bond -- Carmichael Recreation and Park District (55% Approval Required)
Pass: 11,168 / 67.59% Yes votes ...... 5,356 / 32.41% No votes
To improve parks and recreation for children, families and senior citizens; construct/renovate aging restrooms and facilities; make safety/security/handicapped accessibility improvements; and upgrade playgrounds, features, and amenities; shall Carmichael Recreation and Park District's measure be adopted authorizing $31,900,000 of bonds at legal rates, averaging $1.7 million annually while bonds are outstanding at a rate of approximately 1.9 cents per $100 assessed value, with annual audits, independent citizens' oversight, NO money for salaries and all funds staying local?

Measure J. Bond -- Twin Rivers Unified School District (55% Approval Required)
Pass: 23,343 / 62.0% Yes votes ...... 14,330 / 38.0% No votes
   23,284 (62.11%) Yes / 14,205 (37.89%) No in Sacramento County
   59 (32.07%) Yes / 125 (67.93%) No in Placer County
Twin Rivers Unified School District Middle/ High School Health/ Safety/ Repair Measure. Shall the measure of Twin Rivers Unified School District be adopted to repair heating/ air conditioning/ electrical systems; provide safe drinking water/ playgrounds; remove asbestos/ mold/ lead paint; repair leaky roofs; improve security systems; construct classrooms; by authorizing $120 million in bonds at legal interest rates, levies of 2.3¢ per $100 assessed value, raising approximately $8 mil- lion annually while bonds are outstanding, requiring oversight, annual audits, all funds benefiting local schools?

Measure K. Bond -- Twin Rivers Elementary School Facilities Improvement District (55% Approval Required)
Pass: 18,637 / 56.9% Yes votes ...... 14,112 / 43.1% No votes
   18,637 (56.91%) Yes / 14,112 (43.09%) No in Sacramento County
   Yes / No in Placer County
Twin Rivers Unified School District Elementary SFID Student Health/Safety/Repair Measure. Shall the measure of Twin Rivers Unified School District's SFID be adopted to upgrade heating/ air conditioning/electrical systems; provide safe drinking water/ playgrounds; repair blacktop /leaky roofs, outdated classrooms/ bathrooms/kitchens; remove mold/asbestos/lead paint; by authorizing $150 million in bonds at legal interest rates, levies of 3.7¢ per $100 assessed value, raising approximately $10 million annually while bonds are outstanding, requiring oversight, annual audits, all funds benefiting local schools?

Measure L. Children and Youth Health and Safety Act -- City of Sacramento (Majority Approval Required)
Pass: 85,903 / 62.77% Yes votes ...... 50,955 / 37.23% No votes
Shall the measure amending the City of Sacramento Charter to allocate an amount of its General Fund revenue equivalent to 40 percent of the total revenue generated from the existing cannabis business operations tax towards a Children's Fund for positive youth development and youth violence prevention programs such as mental health counseling, substance abuse treatment, early prevention and intervention, after-school activities, and services for homeless youth and foster children, be adopted?

Measure M. Redistricting Map Implementation -- City of Sacramento (Majority Approval Required)
Pass: 84,583 / 67.19% Yes votes ...... 41,298 / 32.81% No votes
Shall the measure amending section 171 to the City of Sacramento Charter + to state that at the first election after adoption of a new redistricting map, councilmembers shall be elected for each district under the map that has the same district number as a district whose incumbent's term is due to expire + be adopted?

Measure N. Tourism and Economic Development Facilities -- City of Sacramento (Majority Approval Required)
Pass: 94,298 / 70.48% Yes votes ...... 39,489 / 29.52% No votes
Shall the measure, with no increase in tax rates, amending the city's special transient occupancy (hotel/lodging bed) tax to allow its revenues to be used for tourism-related economic development projects that would create jobs and strengthen the local economy, subject to independent annual audits and full public disclosure of all spending, be adopted?

Measure O. Emergency Shelter and Enforcement Act of 2022 -- City of Sacramento (Majority Approval Required)
Pass: 70,016 / 52.09% Yes votes ...... 64,404 / 47.91% No votes
Shall the measure entitled The City of Sacramento Emergency Shelter and Enforcement Act of 2022 + which requires identification of a minimum number of emergency shelter spaces based on the estimated number of homeless persons; conditions enforcement of the city's unlawful camping ordinance on shelter space availability; prohibits encampments; allows residents to bring action against the city for unlawful camping or storage on city property; and limits the city's annual general fund budget obligation to $5,000,000 + be adopted?

Measure P. Bond -- Elverta Joint Elementary School District (55% Approval Required)
Fail: 505 / 48.7% Yes votes ...... 532 / 51.3% No votes
   434 (50.35%) Yes / 428 (49.65%) No in Sacramento County
   71 (40.57%) Yes / 104 (59.43%) No in Placer County
To improve the quality of educational facilities; upgrade inadequate electrical systems; replace leaky roofs; modernize outdated classrooms, restrooms and school facilities; and make health, safety and handicapped accessibility improvements; shall Elverta Joint Elementary School District's measure be adopted authorizing $4,000,000 of bonds at legal rates, generating on average $239,000 annually while bonds are outstanding at a rate of 3 cents per $100 assessed value, with annual audits, independent citizens' oversight, NO money for salaries and all money staying local?

Measure Q. Sales Tax -- City of Galt (Majority Approval Required)
Pass: 3,884 / 52.68% Yes votes ...... 3,489 / 47.32% No votes
To maintain Galt's long-term financial stability; maintain City services such as 911 emergency response, parks, trails, youth/afterschool programs; respond to property crimes/thefts/burglaries; retain/attract qualified police officers; improve local clean drinking water sources; retain/attract local businesses; for general government use; shall the measure establishing a 1¢ sales tax providing approximately $3,600,000 annually until ended by voters; requiring audits, public spending disclosures, funds locally controlled, be adopted?

Measure R. Special Tax -- Rancho Murieta Community Services District (Majority Approval Required)
Fail: 1,446 / 40.70% Yes votes ...... 2,107 / 59.30% No votes
To prevent crime and better protect the lives and property of Rancho Murieta owners, residents, and businesses, continue to provide the current level of security patrols, and continue gated security 24 hours per day, year-round, shall the Rancho Murieta Community Services District ordinance to levy an annual supplemental security special tax of $316 per parcel, including an annual inflation adjustment, providing $872,000 annually in locally-controlled funding​, until ended by voters be adopted?

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Created: September 17, 2024 22:03 PDT
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