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Marin County, CA November 8, 2022 Election
Directory of Marin County, CA Measures
County Results as of Dec 5 11:29am, 100.0% of Precincts Reporting (137/137)
71.2% Countywide Voter Turnout (121402/170534)

Click on ballot measure for more detail.

Measure B. Parcel Tax -- County of Marin (2/3 Approval Required)
Pass: 46796 / 76.59% Yes votes ...... 14301 / 23.41% No votes
To provide critical funding, that can't be taken by the State, to: maintain library hours and 24/7 online library access; enhance programs for children, teens, adults, seniors; increase book / digital collections; provide free internet access and computers; upgrade library facilities; shall the Marin County Free Library measure be adopted increasing the currently approved library parcel tax to $98 a year, providing $4.7 million dollars annually, for 9 years, with annual adjustments, independent citizen oversight and senior citizen exemptions?

Measure C. Parcel Tax -- Ross School District (2/3 Approval Required)
Pass: 1107 / 78.73% Yes votes ...... 299 / 21.27% No votes
To continue to support high quality, innovative academic programs; attract and retain highly qualified teachers; maintain low student-to-teacher ratios; support the visual and performing arts and technology integration; maintain facilities; and offset funding cuts by the State; shall the Ross School District measure renewing its education parcel tax at $1550 per parcel with 3% annual adjustments, providing $1.27 million annually for ten years, be adopted, with senior exemptions and all funds staying local?

Measure D. Adoption of city charter and property transfer tax ordinance -- City of Belvedere (Majority Approval Required)
Fail: 560 / 44.16% Yes votes ...... 708 / 55.84% No votes
To advance public safety; strengthen infrastructure against earthquakes; support fire suppression; safeguard water, sewer and other utilities; secure evacuation routes; and provide other general services, shall the measure establishing Belvedere as a Charter City and enacting a real estate property transfer tax of $8 per $1,000 to be paid by buyers or sellers of real property, providing $1,600,000 annually, to end in 30 years or less, with audits and citizen oversight, benefiting Belvedere, be adopted?

Measure E. Special Tax -- Town of Corte Madera (2/3 Approval Required)
Pass: 3824 / 81.47% Yes votes ...... 870 / 18.53% No votes
To maintain rapid 9-1-1 emergency response times and preserve the number of on-duty paramedics ready to respond to accidents/medical emergencies, shall the measure continuing the paramedic services special tax for four years at an annual amount of $78 per residence and per 1,000 square feet of floor area for nonresidential uses for fiscal years 2023-2024, and thereafter increased $3 per year up to $87, generating approximately $504,400 annually for local paramedic services, subject to annual audits and public spending disclosure, be adopted?

Measure F. Special Tax -- Town of Fairfax (2/3 Approval Required)
Pass: 3320 / 81.79% Yes votes ...... 739 / 18.21% No votes
To maintain 9-1-1 emergency response times and the number of on-duty paramedics to respond to accidents/medical emergencies, shall the measure continuing the paramedic services special tax for four years at an increased annual amount of $94.50 per residence and per 1,500 square feet of non-residential floor area for fiscal years 2023-24, and thereafter increased $3 per year up to $103.50, generating approximately $353,000 annually for local paramedic services be adopted?

Measure G. Sales Tax -- City of Larkspur (Majority Approval Required)
Pass: 3565 / 59.67% Yes votes ...... 2410 / 40.33% No votes
Larkspur Disaster Preparedness and Essential City Services Measure. To maintain city services, such as disaster/emergency preparedness, 9-1-1 emergency/medical response, clearing hazardous brush; repairing/maintaining storm drains to prevent flooding, road damage and spills of contaminated water; maintain streets, parks, and general government use; shall the measure establishing a ¼-cent sales tax, providing approximately $700,000 annually, until ended by voters, and requiring citizens' oversight, annual audits, all funds spent locally, be adopted?

Measure H. Special Tax -- Town of San Anselmo (2/3 Approval Required)
Pass: 5865 / 84.95% Yes votes ...... 1039 / 15.05% No votes
To continue expiring funding for San Anselmo Library to maintain library operating hours; increase book/ ebook collections; maintain programs for children, families, seniors/ people with disabilities; and maintain free internet access, computers/technology, shall the measure be adopted extending the existing San Anselmo library services tax at the existing rate of $70 per parcel, providing $320,000 annually, for nine years, with annual adjustments, mandatory audits, independent citizens' oversight and all funds locally controlled for San Anselmo Library?

Measure J. Sales Tax -- Town of San Anselmo (Majority Approval Required)
Pass: 5113 / 74.69% Yes votes ...... 1733 / 25.31% No votes
To maintain and enhance general Town of San Anselmo services and facilities such as repairing potholes, repaving roads, improving drought resilience, maintaining 9-1-1 emergency firefighter and paramedic response times, and improving fire protection, shall the Town of San Anselmo ordinance be adopted extending the existing voter-approved sales tax at a 1¢ rate, providing $2,400,000 annually for general government use for nine years, requiring independent citizen oversight, annual audits and all funds staying in San Anselmo under local control?

Measure K. Cannabis Business -- City of Sausalito (Majority Approval Required)
Fail: 1065 / 26.46% Yes votes ...... 2960 / 73.54% No votes
Shall the measure repealing the existing ban on cannabis sales in the City of Sausalito, establishing an application process for retail cannabis businesses; giving preference to local applicants that expressed interest in operating a cannabis business before April 1, 2021; authorizing one storefront and one delivery-only cannabis business; regulating the operations and location of cannabis businesses; and requiring payment to the City of the greater of 7.5% net profits or $50,000 per year, be adopted?

Measure L. Sales Tax -- City of Sausalito (Majority Approval Required)
Pass: 2738 / 69.11% Yes votes ...... 1224 / 30.89% No votes
City of Sausalito Essential Services Measure. To maintain the City's long-term financial viability and improve local quality of life and essential services including storm drain repairs to protect the Bay, street/sidewalk maintenance, pothole repair, parks maintenance, youth/senior programs, disabled access, public safety, and other general services, shall the City of Sausalito extend and raise the sales tax rate to 1% starting April 1, 2023 for ten years, providing $2.8 million annually, requiring independent financial audits?

Measure M. Bond -- Marin County Open Space District (2/3 Approval Required)
Pass: 3292 / 78.81% Yes votes ...... 885 / 21.19% No votes
Shall Marin County Open Space District Community Facilities District No. 2022-1 be authorized to (i) issue $23,000,000 in bonds to pay costs to acquire the "Martha Property" on the Tiburon Peninsula and prepay open space bonds, and (ii) levy an annual special tax until the bonds are repaid of $335 increasing 2% annually to initially raise approximately $1,065,000 annually, repay bonds and pay costs of vegetation management for the Martha Property and Old St. Hillary's Open Space Preserve and District administration, and shall the District's initial appropriations limit be $3,000,000?

Measure N. Special Tax -- County Service Area 27 Ross Valley Paramedic Service Area (2/3 Approval Required)
Pass: 728 / 80.80% Yes votes ...... 173 / 19.20% No votes
To maintain rapid 9-1-1 emergency response times and preserve the number of on-duty paramedics ready to respond to accidents/medical emergencies, shall the Ross Valley Paramedic Authority measure be adopted continuing for four years the paramedic services special tax of $94.50 per residential living unit or 1,500 square feet of developed nonresidential property, adjusted up to $3 per year, generating approximately $69,000 annually, subject to annual audits, public spending disclosure and all funds for local paramedic services?

Measure O. Special Tax -- Inverness Public Utility District (Majority Approval Required)
Fail: 114 / 28.01% Yes votes ...... 293 / 71.99% No votes
Shall the Inverness Public Utility District ("District") levy a parcel tax for the purpose of improving fire protection measures? The measure would impose a parcel tax of $0.20/year per square foot of each structure on improved parcels, and a parcel tax of $150 per parcel for vacant parcels, raising approximately $276,000 annually in additional District revenue. The measure would be levied in perpetuity unless repealed by majority vote of the electorate.

Measure P. Appropriations limit -- Inverness Public Utility District (Majority Approval Required)
Pass: 339 / 92.37% Yes votes ...... 28 / 7.63% No votes
Shall the appropriations limit established for the Inverness Public Utility District pursuant to Article XIIIB of the California Constitution be adjusted to include the combined total of all applicable revenue sources for the fiscal years 2022/2023 through 2025/2026 in order to ensure an adequate funding base for the Inverness Public Utility District?

Measure Q. Appropriations limit -- Stinson Beach County Water District (Majority Approval Required)
Pass: 232 / 88.21% Yes votes ...... 31 / 11.79% No votes
Shall the appropriations limit of the Stinson Beach County Water District for Fiscal Year 2022-2023 be established at $2,478,750 and should the limit for that Fiscal Year (i.e., $2,478,750) be used to determine the limits for Fiscal Years 2023-2024 through 2025-2026?

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Created: September 17, 2024 22:03 PDT
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