Click on ballot measure for more detail.
- Measure A.
Special Tax
-- City of Arcata
(Majority Approval Required)
7,664 /
80.66% Yes votes ......
1,838 /
19.34% No votes
- To protect and preserve natural open space areas for future generations by: improving and maintaining parks, open spaces and trails; protecting land around creeks, rivers and streams to prevent pollution and improve water quality; protecting redwood forests, wildlife habitat, working lands, scenic hillsides, and agricultural land; expanding public access and trail systems; shall the City of Arcata levy a special tax of $37 annually per parcel providing approximately $175,000 annually until ended by voters, with citizen oversight and all funds benefitting local open space, as set forth in City Council Resolution 190-68?
- Measure B.
Ordinance Amendment
-- City of Arcata
(Majority Approval Required)
7,107 /
77.27% Yes votes ......
2,091 /
22.73% No votes
- Shall private and public entities be authorized to develop, construct, or acquire up to 7.5% of the total number of housing units in the City of Arcata for elderly, disabled and alter-abled, and low-income households, pursuant to Article XXXIV of the California Constitution? An affirmative vote on this measure has no fiscal impact, nor does it grant approval for any specific project. If approved, this measure would rescind and replace the 1992 Measure L, which authorized a limit of 5%
- Measure C.
Charter Amendment
-- City of Eureka
(Majority Approval Required)
7,083 /
61.05% Yes votes ......
4,519 /
38.95% No votes
- Shall Sections 202 and 207 of the Eureka City Charter be amended to require the Eureka City Council to adopt an ordinance providing for ranked choice voting for offices of Mayor and Councilmembers?
- Measure D.
School Bonds
-- South Bay Union School District
(55% Approval Required)
1,969 /
58.83% Yes votes ......
1,378 /
41.17% No votes
- To improve South Bay and Pine Hill Schools; repair/replace leaky roofs; modernize/construct classrooms, restrooms and school facilities; and make health and safety improvements; shall South Bay Union School District's measure be adopted authorizing $5,000,000 of bonds at legal interest rates, raising on average $312,000 annually as long as bonds are outstanding at a rate of 3 cents per $100 of assessed valuation, have independent citizens' oversight and NO money used for administrative salaries and all money staying local?
- Measure E.
Transactions and Use Tax
-- City of Trinidad
(Majority Approval Required)
187 /
72.20% Yes votes ......
72 /
27.80% No votes
- Shall a ¾ cent transaction and use tax be continued in the City of Trinidad for four years, starting on April 1, 2021?
- Measure F.
Special Tax
-- Arcata Fire Protection District
(2/3 Approval Required)
15,720 /
75.38% Yes votes ......
5,135 /
24.62% No votes
- To continue to provide fire protection services to the communities served by the District, including McKinleyville, Manila, Bayside, Jacoby Creek, and Arcata, by restoring vacant firefighter positions, re-staffing all fire stations, and funding equipment maintenance and replacements, shall the Arcata Fire Protection District Ordinance No. 20-20 increasing the existing special tax rates until June 30, 2030, and raising an estimated $2,200,000 annually with independent citizen oversight, be adopted?
- Measure G.
Transactions and Use Tax
-- City of Fortuna
(Majority Approval Required)
3,767 /
69.08% Yes votes ......
1,686 /
30.92% No votes
- Shall the measure to extend the current ¾¢ transaction and use tax for an additional 8 years beyond the March 31, 2025 expiration date to provide approximately $1,400,000 annually to fund, maintain and improve essential services, including police services; nuisance abatement; streets, sidewalks, and drainage; parks maintenance; and programs for youth and seniors; and requiring independent annual financial audits and a community oversight committee, with all funds remaining in Fortuna, be adopted?
- Measure H.
Sales Tax
-- City of Eureka
(Majority Approval Required)
8,055 /
66.41% Yes votes ......
4,074 /
33.59% No votes
- To maintain police, fire, 911 emergency medical response; youth/senior services; local business and jobs support; street repair/road safety; community health services; homeless prevention programs; parks and recreation; and other essential services; shall an ordinance renewing the City of Eureka's voter-approved sales tax at the 1.25c rate be adopted until ended by voters, providing an estimated $9,600,000 annually, with independent citizen oversight, annual audits, and all funds spent to benefit local residents?
- Measure I.
Ordinance Amendment
-- County of Humboldt Unincorporated Areas
(Majority Approval Required)
24,249 /
67.40% Yes votes ......
11,730 /
32.60% No votes
- Shall a measure be approved allowing Humboldt County to obtain state and federal funding to construct, develop, or acquire housing for low income families, seniors, and people with disabilities within unincorporated areas, either directly or through assisting private projects, up to2.5% of the total number of housing units existing in unincorporated Humboldt County, without raising taxes?
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