- Measure A
Sales and Use Tax
-- City of South Pasadena
(Majority Approval Required)
2,608 /
60.5% Yes votes ......
1,702 /
39.5% No votes
- To maintain 9-1-1 emergency response times, including to home break-ins and thefts; neighborhood, school and park police patrols, fire/paramedic services, fire station operations, emergency preparedness; retain/attract local businesses; maintain streets/infrastructure; provide other general services and maintain City finances, shall the City of South Pasadena establish a 3/4¢ sales tax providing approximately $1,500,000 annually until ended by voters, all funds remaining in South Pasadena?
- Measure B
Hospitality Working Conditions Ordinance
-- City of Rancho Palos Verdes
(Majority Approval Required)
7,733 /
76.9% Yes votes ......
2,324 /
23.1% No votes
- Shall the measure, known as the HOSPITALITY WORKING CONDITIONS ORDINANCE, placed on the ballot by initiative petition, applicable to large hotels, golf courses and amusement parks, and which enacts a wage floor of $15/hour (CPI adjustments), limits daily work hours, limits daily square footage of rooms cleaned, requires panic-buttons for employees, requires maintenance of detailed compliance records, prohibits employer retaliation against employees, requires employee notices, and imposes fines and attorneys' fees for violation, be adopted?
- Measure C
Office of City Clerk
-- City of South Pasadena
(Majority Approval Required)
1,977 /
61.4% Yes votes ......
1,244 /
38.6% No votes
- Shall the office of city clerk be appointive?
- Measure H
Transient Occupancy Tax
-- City of Hermosa Beach
(Majority Approval Required)
3,065 /
77.9% Yes votes ......
868 /
22.1% No votes
- Shall an ordinance be adopted increasing the transient occupancy tax (hotel bed tax) paid by hotel/motel guests from 12% to 14% of room revenue raising approximately $550,000 annually to be controlled and used locally for general municipal services in Hermosa Beach such as police, fire, and paramedic services, infrastructure/street repairs, and park upgrades, until ended by voters?
- Measure I
Transactions and Use (Sales) Tax
-- City of Irwindale
(Majority Approval Required)
117 /
60.6% Yes votes ......
76 /
39.4% No votes
- To maintain City of Irwindale service levels including local police protection, 911 emergency response, public safety, senior citizen/park/transportation/recreation programs; maintain library services, and programs that create jobs/attract local businesses; fix potholes/streets; and other general City services; shall the measure enacting a three-quarters percent transactions and use sales tax to be levied annually to generate an estimated $1,180,000 until ended by voters be adopted requiring an ordinance, and funds only for Irwindale?
- Measure K
Transactions and Use (Sales) Tax
-- City of Monrovia
(Majority Approval Required)
2,801 /
63.4% Yes votes ......
1,620 /
36.6% No votes
- To keep local sales tax dollars in Monrovia to fund general city services, including community center improvements, police, fire, 911, senior services, parks, recreation, clean water and others, shall the Monrovia Transactions and Use Tax Ordinance of 2019, placed on the ballot by the City Council, be approved, imposing a 0.75% transactions and use (sales) tax to collect approximately $4.5 million annually spent only in Monrovia, with a Citizens Advisory Committee and annual spending plan?
- Measure S
Sales and Use Tax
-- City of Sierra Madre
(Majority Approval Required)
1,975 /
80.9% Yes votes ......
466 /
19.1% No votes
- To maintain police, fire and paramedic response times; maintain police patrols, emergency planning and response, provide for parks, streets, sidewalks and parkway trees, library services, recreation programs, senior programs, and general finances, shall the City of Sierra Madre establish a 3/4¢ sales tax until ended by voters, providing approximately $225,000 annually with all revenue remaining in Sierra Madre for the benefit of its residents?
- Measure CC
Office of City Clerk
-- City of Hermosa Beach
(Majority Approval Required)
2,462 /
66.6% Yes votes ......
1,234 /
33.4% No votes
- Shall the office of city clerk be appointive?
- Measure CR
Transactions and Use (Sales) Tax
-- City of Claremont
(Majority Approval Required)
4,009 /
50.9% Yes votes ......
3,869 /
49.1% No votes
- Shall the measure providing general revenue to: maintain existing City services including public safety, youth/senior programs and special events; repair and replace infrastructure and facilities; maintain right-of-way landscaping, parks, and trees; address rising operational costs; restore reserves and improve the financial health of the City, by setting a permanent three-quarter cent (0.75%) transactions (sales) and use tax, resulting in approximately $2,500,000 annually, for Claremont services, programs, and projects, be adopted?
- Measure PS
Sales and Use Tax
-- City of Lynwood
(Majority Approval Required)
1,384 /
76.3% Yes votes ......
430 /
23.7% No votes
- To protect and maintain vital city police services, fire protection, street and pothole repair, parks and recreation programs; and other essential services, shall the City of Lynwood remove the 10 year sunset provision from the existing one cent sales and use tax? All funds remain in Lynwood.
- Measure SM
Special Public Safety Tax
-- City of San Marino
(Majority Approval Required)
1,664 /
71.1% Yes votes ......
678 /
28.9% No votes
- Shall the measure approving an ordinance to continue the Special Public Safety Tax for Paramedic Services, Fire Protection and Prevention and Police Protection in San Marino, providing approximately $3.4 million annually until 2025, continuing the existing rate structure calculating the maximum amount charged to each parcel type based primarily on its zoning and applying police, fire, and paramedic cost components specified in the exhibit to the ordinance, with increases strictly limited each year, be adopted?