Click on ballot measure for more detail.
- Measure H.
School Bond
-- Cloverdale Unified School District
(55% Approval Required)
2,599 /
60.4% Yes votes ......
1,702 /
39.6% No votes
- To improve the quality of education; repair/replace leaky roofs; upgrade inadequate electrical systems; replace deteriorating plumbing and sewer systems; and modernize, construct classrooms, restrooms and school facilities; shall Cloverdale Unified School District issue $46,000,000 of bonds at legal rates, generating on average $2,700,000 annually as long as bonds are outstanding at a rate of approximately 6 cents per $100 assessed value, with annual audits, independent citizens' oversight, No money for salaries and all money for local schools?
- Measure I.
School Bond
-- Shoreline Unified School District
(55% Approval Required)
1,980 /
66.7% Yes votes ......
988 /
33.3% No votes
(69.62%) Yes / 573 (30.38%) No in Marin County
(61.6%) Yes / 415 (38.4%) No in Sonoma County
- To repair and modernize outdated classrooms and buildings, replace aging portables, upgrade infrastructure, construct new educational facilities, and improve access to technology, shall Shoreline Unified School District issue $19.5 million in bonds at legal interest rates, with projected tax rates of 3.9¢ per $100 of taxable value while bonds are outstanding (generating on average approximately $1.45 million annually for issued bonds), and requiring citizens' oversight, annual audits and all funds spent to benefit Shoreline students and schools?
- Measure J.
School Bond
-- Monte Rio Union School District
(55% Approval Required)
707 /
71.1% Yes votes ......
287 /
28.9% No votes
- To improve the quality of education; replace outdated heating and ventilation systems; repair or replace leaky roofs; and modernize outdated classrooms, restrooms and school facilities; shall Monte Rio Union Elementary School District issue $3,300,000 of bonds at legal rates, generating on average $234,000 annually for issued bonds through maturity from levies of approximately $0.03 per $100 assessed value, with annual audits, independent citizens' oversight committee, no money for salaries and all money for local schools?
- Measure K.
School Bond
-- Oak Grove Union School District
(55% Approval Required)
1,540 /
60.1% Yes votes ......
1,024 /
39.9% No votes
- To improve the quality of education; modernize and renovate classrooms, restrooms and school facilities; improve student access to computers and modern technology; and make health, safety and handicapped accessibility improvements; shall Oak Grove Union School District issue $9,500,000 of bonds at legal interest rates, raising an average $556,000 annually as long as bonds are outstanding, at a rate of 3 cents per $100 assessed value, have an independent citizens' oversight committee with No money for administrative salaries?
- Measure L.
School Bond
-- Old Adobe Union School District
(55% Approval Required)
7,028 /
64.1% Yes votes ......
3,937 /
35.9% No votes
- To improve the quality of education; repair and replace leaky roofs; modernize outdated classrooms, restrooms and school facilities; and improve student access to computers and modern technology; shall Old Adobe Union School District issue $38,500,000 of bonds at legal rates, generating on average $2,200,000 annually as long as bonds are outstanding at a rate of approximately 3 cents per $100 assessed value, with annual audits, independent citizen's oversight, no money for salaries and all money staying local?
- Measure M.
Transactions and Use Tax
-- County of Sonoma
(2/3 Approval Required)
148,130 /
72.6% Yes votes ......
55,852 /
27.4% No votes
- To improve and protect Sonoma County's regional and neighborhood parks; safeguard water supplies, streams, rivers; reduce future wildfire risk; preserve fish and wildlife habitat; conserve natural areas for future generations; support community health and expand walking, hiking, and biking trails; shall Sonoma County establish a one-eighth cent special transaction and use tax (sales tax) countywide for a ten-year period, providing approximately $11.5 million annually, with citizens' oversight and annual audits?
- Measure N.
Housing Bond
-- City of Santa Rosa
(2/3 Approval Required)
40,243 /
61.7% Yes votes ......
25,018 /
38.3% No votes
- HOUSING RECOVERY BOND To aid recovery and provide affordable housing for low- and middle-income families, veterans, seniors, disabled, and other vulnerable populations, provide supportive housing for the homeless; and help low- and middle-income households purchase homes in their communities, shall the City of Santa Rosa's measure to issue $124 million in bonds, levying approximately $8.6 million annually at approximately $29 per $100,000 of assessed value through final maturity, with oversight and audits, be adopted?
- Measure O.
Sales Tax
-- City of Santa Rosa
(2/3 Approval Required)
40,348 /
61.6% Yes votes ......
25,184 /
38.4% No votes
- The City Of Santa Rosa Vital City Services Measure: To provide temporary funding to recover from the October 2017 fires and preserve city services including maintaining 9-1-1 emergency response times and neighborhood police patrols; repairing potholes, streets and sidewalks; rebuilding firefighting infrastructure and fire prevention; shall the City of Santa Rosa enact a one-quarter cent sales tax for six years only, generating approximately $9 million annually, for unrestricted general fund purposes, subject to annual audits, with all revenue staying in Santa Rosa?
- Measure P.
Growth Management Ordinance
-- City of Healdsburg
(Majority Approval Required)
2,918 /
55.8% Yes votes ......
2,315 /
44.2% No votes
- Shall the City of Healdsburg amend its current Growth Management Ordinance to allow for the construction of an average of 50 additional multifamily income-restricted rental units per year?
- Measure Q.
Sales Tax Extension
-- City of Sebastopol
(Majority Approval Required)
2,778 /
68.2% Yes votes ......
1,298 /
31.8% No votes
- Shall the measure to extend until repealed by the voters, the previously approved City of Sebastopol's 0.5% increase in transactions and use tax, which annually raises $1,400,000, be adopted?
- Measure R.
Increase Transient Occupancy Tax
-- City of Sebastopol
(Majority Approval Required)
2,903 /
71.4% Yes votes ......
1,161 /
28.6% No votes
- Shall the measure to clarify and increase the City of Sebastopol's transient occupancy tax by 2%, until repealed by the voters, which is estimated to annually raise $514,000, be adopted?
- Measure S.
Increase Transient Occupancy Tax
-- City of Sonoma
(Majority Approval Required)
4,452 /
79.9% Yes votes ......
1,119 /
20.1% No votes
- To provide funding for infrastructure and general City services including, but not limited to, police, fire, emergency preparedness, streets, parks, open space, and recreation, plus affordable/workforce housing shall City of Sonoma increase the ongoing transient occupancy tax (hotel tax) rate by 2% on January 1, 2019, and authorize an additional 1% increase by January 1, 2024 (estimated $1,125,000 annually all funds used locally), and increase the City's appropriations limit for Fiscal Years 2018/19-2021/22 by the amount of increased tax?
- Measure T.
Parcel Tax
-- Glen Ellen Fire Protection District
(2/3 Approval Required)
1,023 /
75.7% Yes votes ......
329 /
24.3% No votes
- To continue to provide fire and emergency services, shall Glen Ellen Fire Protection District Ordinance No. 2018/2019-01, authorizing the District to levy a special tax based on use codes shown on Attachment "A" of the Ordinance of $200.00 for residential properties; $100.00 for agricultural land; and $0.10 per square foot for commercial properties, raising approximately $387,000 annually until repealed; and increasing the District's appropriations limit to permit spending of the revenue raised by the special tax, be approved?
- Measure U.
Parcel Tax
-- Monte Rio Fire Protection District
(2/3 Approval Required)
739 /
70.5% Yes votes ......
309 /
29.5% No votes
- To continue to provide fire and emergency services, shall Monte Rio Fire Protection District Ordinance No. 18/19-01 authorizing a special tax based on use codes shown on Exhibit A of the Ordinance of $200.00 for residential properties, $50.00 for each campsite, $400.00 for commercial properties, and $100.00 plus $1.00 per acre for timberland, raising approximately $500,000.00 annually until repealed; and increasing the District's appropriations to permit spending of the revenue raised by the special tax, be adopted?
- Measure V.
Setting Appropriations Limit
-- North Sonoma Coast Fire Protection District
(Majority Approval Required)
800 /
95.8% Yes votes ......
35 /
4.2% No votes
- Shall the North Sonoma Coast Fire Protection District adopt Ordinance No. 17/18-1 setting the District permanent appropriations limit as the final step in forming the District?
- Measure W.
Parcel Tax
-- Rancho Adobe Fire Protection District
(2/3 Approval Required)
6,430 /
70.3% Yes votes ......
2,717 /
29.7% No votes
- To prevent fire station closures, institute new ambulance service, hire and retain full-time firefighters, shall Rancho Adobe Fire Protection District Ordinance No. 2018-02 be approved authorizing the District to repeal the existing parcel tax and impose and levy a special tax for an indefinite period at an annual rate of $300.00 per assessor's parcel number ($0.82/day) providing $2.1 million annually, with a maximum 3% annual adjustment for inflation, with an annual audit demonstrating how all revenue was spent?
- Measure X.
Parcel Tax
-- Schell-Vista Fire Protection District
(2/3 Approval Required)
1,475 /
73.6% Yes votes ......
529 /
26.4% No votes
- To continue to provide fire and emergency services, shall Schell Vista Fire Protection District Ordinance No. 2018/2019-01, authorizing the District to levy a special tax based on use codes shown on Exhibit "A" at a maximum rate of $200.00 for residential properties, $0.14 per square foot for commercial properties, and $100.00 for other parcels, raising approximately $950,000.00 annually until repealed; and increasing the District's appropriations limit to permit spending of the revenue raised by the special tax, be adopted?
- Measure Y.
Parcel Tax
-- Valley of the Moon Fire Protection District
(2/3 Approval Required)
5,364 /
66.5% Yes votes ......
2,698 /
33.5% No votes
- To continue to provide fire and emergency services, shall Valley of the Moon Fire Protection District Ordinance No. 2018/2019-01, authorizing the District to levy a special tax based on use codes shown on Attachment "A" of the Ordinance of $200.00 for residential properties; $100.00 for agricultural land; and $0.10 per square foot for commercial properties, raising approximately $1,690,000.00 annually until repealed; and increasing the District's appropriations limit to permit spending of the revenue raised by the special tax, be adopted?
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