Click on ballot measure for more detail.
- Measure J.
Authorization for $74,000,000 in bonds for school facilities projects
-- Marysville Joint Unified School District
(55% Approval Required)
75 /
44.12% Yes votes ......
95 /
55.88% No votes
- Shall the District be authorized to issue bonds in the amount of $74,000,000, bearing interest at rates not exceeding the statutory limit, for the purpose of funding the "Bond Projects" at the District's schools?
- Measure S.
Term Limits for City Council Members
-- City of Chico
(Majority Approval Required)
23,750 /
69.42% Yes votes ......
10,460 /
30.58% No votes
- Shall Section 401 of the Chico City Charter be amended to limit the members of the Chico City Council to no more than three (3) consecutive terms?
- Measure T.
Cannabis Business Tax
-- City of Oroville
(Majority Approval Required)
2,715 /
59.91% Yes votes ......
1,817 /
40.09% No votes
- For unrestricted general revenue purposes such as police, fire, roads and recreation, shall the City of Oroville adopt an ordinance authorizing an annual business tax on cannabis businesses upon gross receipts at a rate not to exceed 10% with initial rates of 5% on retailers and manufacturers; 4% on cultivators; and 7% on microbusiness generating approximately $300,000 to $600,000 annually until repealed by the voters?
- Measure U.
Transactions and Use Tax
-- City of Oroville
(Majority Approval Required)
2,563 /
56.42% Yes votes ......
1,980 /
43.58% No votes
- To prevent cuts and restore essential public safety services, including 911 response, police officers, gang/youth violence prevention, fire protection / emergency medical response, and other essential services including street repairs, youth/senior services and park maintenance, shall the City enact a one cent sales tax providing approximately three million seven hundred thousand dollars annually with all venue required to stay in the general fund, with local control and independent annual financial audits and citizen oversight?
- Measure V.
Extension of the General Transactions and Use Tax
-- Town of Paradise
(Majority Approval Required)
8,349 /
69.51% Yes votes ......
3,662 /
30.49% No votes
- To preserve Town of Paradise police protection, fire suppression, road improvements, animal control and other services, with required review by the citizen oversight committee; shall the Town's existing temporary half percent transactions and use tax be extended for ten years to March 31, 2031 pursuant to Ordinance No. 569? (Projected tax revenues are $1.4 million per year.)
- Measure W.
School Bond
-- Biggs Unified School District
(55% Approval Required)
656 /
53.99% Yes votes ......
559 /
46.01% No votes
- To improve the quality of education; modernize outdated classrooms, construct new gymnasium, restrooms and school facilities; upgrade classroom technology; and make health, safety and security improvements; shall the Biggs Unified School District issue $9.5 million of bonds at legal interest rates, generating on average $624,000 annually as long as bonds are outstanding at a rate of approximately 4.7 cents per $100 assessed value, with annual audits, citizens' oversight committee, NO money for salaries and all money staying local?
- Measure X.
School Bond
-- Durham Unified School District
(55% Approval Required)
1,565 /
64.14% Yes votes ......
875 /
35.86% No votes
- To improve the quality of education; repair/replace deteriorating electrical, plumbing and sewer systems; upgrade agriculture and vocational teaching facilities; repair leaky roofs; and renovate classrooms, restrooms and school facilities; shall Durham Unified School District issue $19,700,000 of bonds at legal rates, generating on average $1,100,000 annually as long as bonds are outstanding from levies of approximately 6 cents per $100 assessed value, with annual audits, independent citizens' oversight, NO money for salaries and all money staying local?
- Measure Y.
School Bond
-- Paradise Unified School District
(55% Approval Required)
10,351 /
61.35% Yes votes ......
6,521 /
38.65% No votes
- To update classrooms and science labs in schools; perform essential safety/security upgrades; fix leaky roofs, deteriorating plumbing/septic systems; equip classrooms with 21st-century learning technology; replacing aging heating/plumbing; and construct/equip classrooms, shall Paradise Unified School District issue $61,000,000 in bonds, at legal interest rates, levy $57.50 per $100,000 of assessed value for as long as bonds are outstanding ($3.5 million annually) with taxpayer oversight, audits, no employee salaries, all money staying local?
- Measure Z.
School Bond
-- Thermalito Union Elementary School District
(55% Approval Required)
1,663 /
60.45% Yes votes ......
1,088 /
39.55% No votes
- By approval of this measure by at least 55% of the registered voters voting on the measure, the District will be authorized to issue and sell bonds of up to $4.5 million in aggregate principal amount at interest rates not to exceed legal limits and to provide financing for the specific types of school facilities projects listed in the Bond Project List included below, subject to all the accountability requirements specified below.
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