Click on ballot measure for more detail.
- Measure J.
$318 Million in Bonds to Repair and Upgrade Aging Anaheim Schools
-- Anaheim Elementary School District
(General Obligation Bond - 55% Approval Required)
37,155 /
76.5% Yes votes ......
11,427 /
23.5% No votes
- To repair and modernize classrooms and older neighborhood schools to support
reading, math, science, technology, arts, replace deteriorating roofs, plumbing, wiring/ air-conditioning, improve access for students with disabilities/
special medical needs, update technology, improve student safety/ security, acquire, renovate and construct classrooms, facilities, sites/ equipment,
shall Anaheim Elementary School District issue $318,000,000 in bonds at legal rates, with independent citizen oversight, audits, no money for
administrator salaries, all money staying local?
- Measure K.
School Facilities Improvement
-- Brea Olinda Unified School District
(General Obligation Bond - 55% Approval Required)
8,192 /
49.4% Yes votes ......
8,386 /
50.6% No votes
- To repair/upgrade outdated classrooms, leaky roofs, bathrooms/plumbing/electrical wiring; meet handicap accessibility/
earthquake safety requirements; remove asbestos/hazardous materials; upgrade libraries, science labs, technology;
repair/construct/acquire/equip facilities; in order to help retain/attract quality teachers, protect property values and
maintain quality local schools; shall Brea Olinda Unified School District issue $148,000,000 in bonds, at legal rates, no
funds for administrators' salaries, requiring audits, citizens' oversight, and keeping funds local?
- Measure L.
Proposal to Decrease Governing Board Membership
-- Brea Olinda Unified School District
(Majority Approval Required)
9,747 /
62.0% Yes votes ......
5,984 /
38.0% No votes
- Shall the Brea Olinda Unified School District decrease the number of governing board members from seven to five?
- Measure M.
$889 Million in Bonds for School Facility Improvements
-- Capistrano Unified School District School Facilities Improvement District 2
(General Obligation Bond - 55% Approval Required)
72,915 /
45.5% Yes votes ......
87,452 /
54.5% No votes
- To upgrade neighborhood schools by repairing outdated classrooms; improving science, technology, engineering, and
math labs; ensuring fire/drinking water safety; removing asbestos; replacing leaky roofs; upgrading safety/security;
repairing, constructing, and equipping educational facilities to prepare students for college/vocational/military careers,
shall School Facilities Improvement District #2 of the Capistrano Unified School District issue $889 million in bonds at legal interest rates, requiring an independent citizens' oversight committee, annual independent audits, no funds for
administrator or teacher salaries/benefits, and all funds used locally?
- Measure N.
$49 Million in Bonds to Improve and Repair Centralia Schools
-- Centralia School District
(General Obligation Bond - 55% Approval Required)
12,769 /
71.7% Yes votes ......
5,032 /
28.3% No votes
- To repair/modernize aging classrooms, science labs/school facilities to keep pace with technology, including deteriorating
roofs, plumbing and electrical systems, improve student safety and campus security systems, acquire, renovate, construct,
and equip classrooms, sites, facilities, labs, libraries and instructional technology to support student achievement in
reading, math, arts, science/technology, shall Centralia Elementary School District issue $49,000,000 in bonds at legal
rates, with independent citizen oversight, audits, no money for administrator salaries, all money staying local?
- Measure O.
$63 Million in Bonds for Improvements and Additions to Facilities
-- Fountain Valley School District
(General Obligation Bond - 55% Approval Required)
15,931 /
64.2% Yes votes ......
8,871 /
35.8% No votes
- In order to repair and modernize aging classrooms and school facilities, including repairing deteriorating roofs, plumbing,
electrical and air conditioning systems; upgrade classrooms, science labs, libraries, facilities and technology that support
student achievement in reading, math, arts, science and technology; and improve student safety and campus security,
shall Fountain Valley School District issue $63 million in bonds at rates within legal limits, with independent citizen
oversight, no money for administrators, and all money staying local?
- Measure P.
$311 Million in Bonds to Improve School Safety and Learning
-- Garden Grove Unified School District
(General Obligation Bond - 55% Approval Required)
58,962 /
76.3% Yes votes ......
18,282 /
23.7% No votes
- To repair/replace roofs, plumbing, and inadequate electrical systems; install air conditioning; upgrade classrooms,
science labs, and access to instructional technology; provide classrooms/labs for career technology education that
prepares students for college/careers; improve access for individuals with disabilities and earthquake/fire safety and
campus security/lighting/cameras, shall Garden Grove Unified School District issue $311,000,000 in bonds, at legal
rates, with independent oversight, no money for administrators and all funds locally-controlled?
- Measure Q.
$159,850,000 in Bonds for Improvements and Additions to Facilities
-- Huntington Beach City School District
(General Obligation Bond - 55% Approval Required)
25,313 /
63.6% Yes votes ......
14,469 /
36.4% No votes
- To construct science, technology, engineering, and mathematics labs, repair or replace leaky roofs, renovate deteriorating
plumbing/sewer systems, upgrade inadequate electrical systems, construct, renovate, modernize, equip classrooms,
restrooms and other school facilities and to improve the quality of education at local schools; shall Huntington Beach
City School District issue $159,850,000 of bonds at legal rates, with annual audits, and have an independent citizens'
oversight committee with no money for administrative salaries or taken by the state?
- Measure R.
$169 Million in Bonds for Student Success and Safety
-- Ocean View School District
(General Obligation Bond - 55% Approval Required)
22,386 /
58.9% Yes votes ......
15,600 /
41.1% No votes
- To repair/modernize aging classrooms/school facilities including improving student safety/campus security, disabled
access, deteriorating roofs, plumbing, ventilation/electrical systems, and acquire, renovate, construct, and equip
classrooms, sites, facilities, labs/instructional technology to support student achievement in reading, math, arts, science
and technology, shall Ocean View School District of Orange County issue $169,000,000 in bonds at legal rates, with
independent citizen oversight, audits, no money for teacher/administrator salaries, and all money staying local?
- Measure S.
$288 Million in Bonds for School Classroom and Facility Improvements
-- Orange Unified School District
(General Obligation Bond - 55% Approval Required)
54,143 /
62.5% Yes votes ......
32,534 /
37.5% No votes
- To repair and modernize aging high school classrooms, labs and school facilities, including deteriorated roofs, plumbing,
and electrical systems, complete earthquake safety retrofits, improve campus safety/security, and upgrade careertraining
facilities, science labs, libraries, and technology that support student achievement in math, science, engineering
and skilled trades, shall Orange Unified School District issue $288,000,000 in bonds, at legal interest rates, with
independent citizen oversight, no money for administrators' salaries, and all money locally-controlled?
- Measure T.
$76 Million in Bonds for School Facilities Improvement
-- Westminster School District
(General Obligation Bond - 55% Approval Required)
17,785 /
70.1% Yes votes ......
7,584 /
29.9% No votes
- To upgrade aging schools and improve the quality of education with funding that cannot be taken by the State; provide
heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems at every school; upgrade inadequate electrical systems; improve
student access to modern technology; and modernize/renovate outdated classrooms, restrooms and school facilities;
shall Westminster School District issue $76,000,000 of bonds at legal interest rates, with citizens' oversight, annual
audits, and NO money used for administrative or teacher salaries?
- Measure U.
Require 2/3 Vote of the City Council to Propose Taxes
-- City of Anaheim
(2/3 Approval Required)
76,728 /
81.6% Yes votes ......
17,330 /
18.4% No votes
- Shall Section 1208.1 be added to the Anaheim City Charter to require at least a two-thirds vote of the total City Council
membership in order to place City Council sponsored general or special tax proposals on a ballot for voter consideration?
- Measure V.
Allow Operation of up to Eight Medical Marijuana (Cannibis) Businesses
-- City of Costa Mesa
(Majority Approval Required)
14,937 /
37.8% Yes votes ......
24,565 /
62.2% No votes
- Shall the ordinance, to allow operation of up to eight medical marijuana (cannabis) businesses with: six percent tax on
medical marijuana (estimated annual tax revenues $48,000 to $912,000); one percent tax on other products; exemption
from permits; regulations not subject to change by City Council except for increasing businesses; precedence to prior
businesses; and locations limited to commercial and industrial areas, be adopted?
- Measure W.
Allow Operation of up to Four Licensed Medical Marijuana Businesses
-- City of Costa Mesa
(Majority Approval Required)
16,501 /
42.1% Yes votes ......
22,695 /
57.9% No votes
- Shall the ordinance, to allow operation of up to four medical marijuana businesses with: six percent tax on medical
marijuana (estimated annual tax revenues $24,000 to $456,000); required industry specific licenses; required operator
permits; regulations subject to change by City Council including increasing businesses; precedence to prior businesses;
and locations limited to commercial and industrial areas, be adopted?
- Measure X.
Medical Marijuana Measure
-- City of Costa Mesa
(Majority Approval Required)
21,470 /
54.6% Yes votes ......
17,845 /
45.4% No votes
- Shall the ordinance, to allow medical marijuana manufacturing, processing, wholesale distribution and transporting, and
research, development and testing, in manufacturing and industrial zones north of South Coast Dr. and west of Harbor
Blvd., subject to conditional use permit and business permits, including requirements for background checks, premises
security, business records, that is subject to amendment by City Council, and that levies an annual 6% gross receipts tax
(estimated annual revenue $48,000 - $912,000), be adopted?
- Measure Y.
Require Voter Approval on Certain Development Projects
-- City of Costa Mesa
(Majority Approval Required)
26,132 /
68.4% Yes votes ......
12,081 /
31.6% No votes
- Shall the ordinance to require voter approval of development projects that require adoption, amendment, change or
replacement of the General Plan, the Zoning Code, a specific plan, or an overlay plan, and that generates over 200
additional trips, increases intersection volume/capacity, changes the intersection utilization/level of service, adds 40
or more dwelling units, adds 10,000 sq.' of non-residential use, or changes a public use to a private use under specified
conditions, be adopted?
- Measure Z.
Future Development of Open Space and Recreation
-- City of Costa Mesa
(Majority Approval Required)
20,506 /
55.8% Yes votes ......
16,258 /
44.2% No votes
- Shall the Costa Mesa Measure for Sensible Community Development and Development-Funded Open Space and
Recreation, which ratifies the City's existing land use regulations, ensures that approximately 25% of the State
Developmental Hospital on Harbor Boulevard would be zoned as passive or recreational open space, and establishes a
fee paid for by developers for the purpose of funding new active recreation, open space, and public park facilities within
the City, be adopted?
- Measure AA.
Change of Use Requirements at Fairview Park
-- City of Costa Mesa
(Majority Approval Required)
27,098 /
70.9% Yes votes ......
11,149 /
29.1% No votes
- Shall an ordinance requiring voter approval for 1) construction of playgrounds, athletic fields, platforms/retaining walls
for vista overlook, stairways to provide access to bluffs, new restrooms, parking lots, museum/multipurpose building,
boardwalk and pedestrian bridges; 2) extended park hours for community events; 3) installation of parking lot lighting;
or 4) other permanent structures at Fairview Park be adopted?
- Measure BB.
Prohibition of Athletic Fields at Fairview Park
-- City of Costa Mesa
(Majority Approval Required)
17,591 /
46.4% Yes votes ......
20,289 /
53.6% No votes
- Shall the Costa Mesa Measure Prohibiting Athletic Fields at Fairview Park, which prohibits the development of Athletic
Fields at Fairview Park unless approved by a vote of the people, and permits implementation of Passive Recreational
Uses at Fairview Park including those identified in the Fairview Park Master Plan (such as playgrounds, picnic areas, bike
trails, bus access ways, and viewing areas), be adopted?
- Measure EE.
Voter Districts Formation
-- City of Costa Mesa
(Majority Approval Required)
23,295 /
65.1% Yes votes ......
12,495 /
34.9% No votes
- Shall members of the legislative body of the City of Costa Mesa be elected by district as described in Ordinance No.
16-05, establishing six equal, geographically based districts, and the Mayor of the City of Costa Mesa elected on a
citywide basis for a term of two years by the voters of the entire city, for a maximum of two terms?
- Measure GG.
Town Center and Commons Specific Plan
-- City of Cypress
(Majority Approval Required)
9,626 /
48.9% Yes votes ......
10,059 /
51.1% No votes
- Shall an ordinance that approves the "Cypress Town Center and Commons Specific Plan" to allow for development of
a town center, single-family and multi-family housing, commercial/senior housing and a public park on portions of Los
Alamitos Race Course, the former Cypress Golf Club and adjacent properties, together with related general plan and
specific plan amendments and zone changes, be adopted?
- Measure HH.
911 Response Police-Fire/Essential City Services Measure
-- City of Fountain Valley
(Majority Approval Required)
14,617 /
59.8% Yes votes ......
9,808 /
40.2% No votes
- To maintain 911 emergency response times, fire stations, police officers/firefighters/paramedics, anti-gang/drug
programs, after school, senior programs; upgrade first responder disaster communication; repair stormwater systems
to prevent flooding, streets/potholes/parks; other general city services, shall the City of Fountain Valley establish a
one-cent sales tax providing $11.5 million annually for twenty year term, requiring public disclosure of expenditures,
independent audits, all funds only for Fountain Valley?
- Measure II.
By-District Elections
-- City of Fullerton
(Majority Approval Required)
23,725 /
54.1% Yes votes ......
20,110 /
45.9% No votes
- Shall members of the legislative body of the City of Fullerton be elected by districts described in Ordinance No. 3230?
- Measure JJ.
One-Cent Sales Tax
-- City of La Palma
(Majority Approval Required)
3,775 /
60.3% Yes votes ......
2,481 /
39.7% No votes
- Shall Ordinance No. 2016-1, establishing a one percent sales tax, to remain in effect until ended or modified by the
voters, and raising an estimated $1,500,000 annually for any and all governmental purposes of the City, which may
include any general fund services such as police patrols and crime prevention; 9-1-1 emergency response; and street
maintenance/pothole repair; with the requirement for public audits and disclosures of all funds spent, be adopted?
- Measure KK.
Rescind the Ban on and Authorize Medical Marijuana Dispensaries
-- City of Laguna Beach
(Majority Approval Required)
4,002 /
29.2% Yes votes ......
9,702 /
70.8% No votes
- Shall an ordinance rescinding the City of Laguna Beach's prohibition of medical marijuana dispensaries, allowing for one
dispensary for every 10,000 residents, and adopting regulations providing for administrative approval process, operator
priority registration, operating standards, distance requirements from residential areas and schools, and which could allow the sale of marijuana for recreational use, known as An Initiative Measure Rescinding the City of Laguna Beach's
Ban on Medical Marijuana Dispensaries and Authorizing the Operation and Regulation of Medical Marijuana Dispensaries,
be adopted?
- Measure LL.
Vital Services Measure
-- City of Laguna Beach
(Majority Approval Required)
10,508 /
78.7% Yes votes ......
2,840 /
21.3% No votes
- To provide services and improvements needed to accommodate millions of annual visitors, protect beaches from
pollution and provide fire, police protection and emergency response, parking, utility undergrounding to prevent fires
and power outages, and other services and improvements, shall City of Laguna Beach adopt an ordinance increasing
transient occupancy taxes paid only by hotel and other rental guests from 10% to 12% until ended by voters, providing
approximately $2,000,000 annually, with audits, all funds only for Laguna Beach?
- Measure MM.
Require 5 of 7 Votes of the City Council to Propose Taxes
-- City of Newport Beach
(Majority Approval Required)
32,642 /
81.2% Yes votes ......
7,573 /
18.8% No votes
- Shall Section 1115 be added to the Newport Beach City Charter to require at least five votes of the total City Council
membership in order to place City Council sponsored general or special tax proposals on a ballot for voter consideration?
- Measure NN.
Establishment of By-District Elections
-- City of Placentia
(Majority Approval Required)
11,135 /
59.6% Yes votes ......
7,536 /
40.4% No votes
- Shall Ordinance No. O-2016-05 be approved to amend the City Charter to require the City Council to establish five equal,
geographically based districts from which council members will be elected by residents of those districts to serve four
year terms?
- Measure OO.
Increase in "Hotel" Guest Tax
-- City of San Clemente
(Majority Approval Required)
15,035 /
50.0% Yes votes ......
15,043 /
50.0% No votes
- Shall Ordinance No. 1627 be adopted to increase the transient occupancy tax ("TOT") from its current rate of 10 percent
to 13 percent in perpetuity, for an estimated annual increase of $570,000?
- Measure PP.
Council Compensation Formula
-- City of Santa Ana
(Charter Amendment - Majority Approval Required)
44,292 /
68.0% Yes votes ......
20,819 /
32.0% No votes
- Shall the Santa Ana Charter be amended to comply with the Council compensation formula provided for by California
Government Code Section 36516 to ensure that Council compensation is set and strictly limited by such Government
Code and to further provide that no increase in Council compensation shall be permitted without a vote of the electorate
of the City of Santa Ana pursuant to a future Charter Amendment?
- Measure QQ.
Eliminate funding for Stanton 9-1-1 Services
-- City of Stanton
(Majority Approval Required)
2,987 /
31.7% Yes votes ......
6,423 /
68.3% No votes
- Shall City of Stanton Ordinance #1045, adopted by voters on November 4, 2014, to generate revenues for city services
such as neighborhood police patrols, fire protection services/paramedics, business/job creation, and senior programs,
be repealed?
- Measure RR.
City Council Term Limits
-- City of Stanton
(Majority Approval Required)
6,916 /
75.2% Yes votes ......
2,276 /
24.8% No votes
- Shall the City of Stanton adopt a measure providing that a person may not hold office as a City Council member if he or
she has, after December 31, 2015, served on the City Council for two full terms?
- Measure SS.
Police/9-1-1/Essential Services
-- City of Westminster
(Majority Approval Required)
16,867 /
60.6% Yes votes ......
10,970 /
39.4% No votes
- To address state takeaways of local funds, protect property values, drinking water supplies and prevent cuts to: 9-1-1
response times; police officers/firefighters/paramedics; drug/gang prevention, domestic violence/sex crimes/human
trafficking units; and other general city services, shall an ordinance establishing a 1% transactions and use (sales) tax,
expiring December 31, 2022, providing estimated $13.9 million annually, requiring audits, citizens' oversight, all funds
remaining in Westminster, be adopted?
- Measure TT.
Consolidation of Water and Sanitary Districts
-- Proposed Merged Mesa Water/Costa Mesa Sanitation District
(Majority Approval Required)
21,545 /
54.7% Yes votes ......
17,855 /
45.3% No votes
- Shall the Mesa Water District and the Costa Mesa Sanitary District pursue consolidation?
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