Click on ballot measure for more detail.
- Measure A.
Advisory Measure
-- City of Brentwood
(Majority Approval Required)
16977 /
75.73% Yes votes ......
5441 /
24.27% No votes
- If Measure Z passes, should the revenues raised be used to restore and enhance fire, emergency medical response, and other public safety services in the City of Brentwood?
- Measure B.
Library Bond Measure
-- City of El Cerrito
(2/3 Approval Required)
7910 /
62.96% Yes votes ......
4653 /
37.04% No votes
- To replace the 67 year old El Cerrito Library with a safe, energy efficient, 21st century library that meets earthquake and fire codes with space for a children's area for story times/books; public access computers/computer learning center; up-to-date book/resource collections; and improved senior/disabled access, shall El Cerrito issue $30,000,000 in bonds at legal rates for 33 years, as the Voter Guide describes, requiring independent citizen oversight, and all funds for El Cerrito Library?
- Measure C.
Transaction and Use Tax
-- City of Lafayette
(Majority Approval Required)
6002 /
41.81% Yes votes ......
8352 /
58.19% No votes
- To provide funding that will stay 100% in Lafayette, to maintain the City's quality of life by funding general City services prioritizing:
- Protecting open space;
- Reducing downtown congestion;
- Enhancing police protection;
- Increasing downtown parking;
- Acquiring land for downtown parks;
- Revitalizing the historic Park theater;
shall the ordinance enacting a general 1% sales tax, for 29 years, providing $3 million dollars annually, with citizens' oversight, all funds spent in Lafayette, be adopted?
- Measure D.
Martinez Road Improvement and Maintenance Measure
-- City of Martinez
(2/3 Approval Required)
12793 /
71.96% Yes votes ......
4985 /
28.04% No votes
- To provide funding that stays in Martinez, to be used exclusively to improve and maintain the City's roadways, shall an ordinance which imposes a temporary, half-cent transaction and use (sales) tax for 15 years, providing an estimated $2.1 million annually, with citizens' oversight and annual audits, be adopted?
- Measure E.
Utility Users Tax
-- City of Oakley
(Majority Approval Required)
4294 /
32.95% Yes votes ......
8737 /
67.05% No votes
- To maintain and enhance essential City services, such as fire protection and
emergency medical response services, shall an Ordinance be adopted to enact a
three and one-half percent (3.5%) utility users tax on electricity, water, sewer,
gas, and cable television to raise approximately two million dollars on an annual
- Measure G.
Advisory Measure
-- City of Oakley
(Majority Approval Required)
9181 /
73.71% Yes votes ......
3274 /
26.29% No votes
- e E passes, should the revenues raised be used to restore and
enhance fire and emergency medical response services in the City of Oakley?
If Measure E passes, should the revenues raised be used to restore and
enhance fire and emergency medical response services in the City of Oakley?
- Measure H.
Change City Clerk From Elected to Appointed
-- City of Pittsburg
(Majority Approval Required)
7064 /
36.63% Yes votes ......
12223 /
63.37% No votes
- Shall the office of City Clerk be appointive?
- Measure J.
Marijuana Business Tax Measure
-- City of Pittsburg
(Majority Approval Required)
13693 /
68.27% Yes votes ......
6364 /
31.73% No votes
- Shall the City of Pittsburg establish a marijuana business tax on all types of
medical and non-medical marijuana businesses within the City, of no more than
10% of gross receipts of the business, generating no revenue unless the City
amends the municipal code or State law is amended to authorize such
businesses within City limits, and thereafter generating potentially greater than
$100,000 annually, and which will continue until repealed by the City Council or
City voters?
- Measure K.
Transaction and Use Tax
-- City of Pleasant Hill
(Majority Approval Required)
10772 /
67.09% Yes votes ......
5284 /
32.91% No votes
- To provide and maintain Pleasant Hill city services and facilities, including fixing potholes, and repairing neighborhood and city streets; replacing the aging library with a 21st century facility including space for after-school homework and tutoring; creating additional walking and biking paths; maintaining storm drains; and other city services; shall the City of Pleasant Hill levy a 1/2 cent sales tax, providing $4,000,000 annually for 20 years, providing locally controlled funding that cannot be taken by the State?"
- Measure L.
Establish Rent Control Measure
-- City of Richmond
(Majority Approval Required)
21380 /
65.27% Yes votes ......
11378 /
34.73% No votes
- Shall the Ordinance to establish rent control, a rent board, and just cause for eviction requirements in the City of Richmond be adopted?
- Measure M.
General Tax Measure
-- City of Richmond
(Majority Approval Required)
9287 /
28.59% Yes votes ......
23198 /
71.41% No votes
- Shall the Ordinance to amend the City of Richmond's Municipal Code to increase the City's Real Estate Documentary Transfer Tax from .7% to 1% and 1.5%, based on the property's sale price, be adopted?
- Measure N.
Appointment to Elect Board Members Measure
-- East Contra Costa Fire Protection District
(Majority Approval Required)
27001 /
62.43% Yes votes ......
16252 /
37.57% No votes
- Shall the Board of Directors of the East Contra Costa Fire Protection District change from an appointed Board of Directors of nine members to a Board of Directors of nine members, elected at-large?
- Measure O.
Save Local Fire Stations Measure
-- Rodeo-Hercules Fire Protection District
(2/3 Approval Required)
10206 /
78.15% Yes votes ......
2854 /
21.85% No votes
- To prevent closing local fire stations, maintain local fire
protection/emergency services, rapid 9-1-1 emergency response times,
firefighter/paramedic staffing levels, and lifesaving rescue equipment, shall
Rodeo-Hercules Fire Protection District replace an expiring property assessment
with an $18 monthly parcel tax to maintain stable local funding until ended by
voters, that cannot be taken by the State, providing $2,500,000 annually,
exempting seniors, with citizen oversight, independent annual audits, all funds
staying local?
- Measure P.
Bond Measure
-- John Swett Unified School District
(55% Approval Required)
3373 /
62.13% Yes votes ......
2056 /
37.87% No votes
- To construct a new Carquinez Middle School at existing site/property that is
seismically safe and supports modern learning standards in science, math,
reading and arts; increase student access to classroom technology; improve
student security; implement site renovations; equip classrooms and facilities;
shall John Swett Unified School District issue $40,200,000 in bonds at rates
within legal limits, with citizens' oversight, annual audits, no funds for
administrators, and all funds spent to benefit Carquinez Middle School and
- Measure Q.
Bond Measure
-- John Swett Unified School District
(55% Approval Required)
3570 /
65.86% Yes votes ......
1851 /
34.14% No votes
- To complete renovation, modernization, and safety upgrades at John Swett High
School that update classrooms, science labs, and career technical education
facilities; improve student safety/security; provide for college/career readiness;
and renovate, construct, and equip classrooms, facilities, sites and ventilation;
shall John Swett Unified School District issue $22,000,000 in bonds at rates
within legal limits, with citizens' oversight, annual audits, no funds for
administrators, and all funds spent to benefit John Swett High school and
- Measure R.
Bond Measure
-- Martinez Unified School District
(55% Approval Required)
9287 /
67.72% Yes votes ......
4427 /
32.28% No votes
- To modernize, construct and/or renovate classrooms, restrooms and school
facilities at elementary schools; improve student access to modern technology;
upgrade inadequate electrical systems; replace deteriorating plumbing systems;
construct career/technical education classrooms, including science labs; and
replace leaky roofs, shall the Martinez Unified School District issue $120,000,000
of bonds, at legal interest rates, with annual audits, an independent citizens'
oversight committee, NO money for teacher or administrator salaries and all
funds locally-controlled?
- Measure S.
Parcel Tax
-- Pittsburg Unified School District
(2/3 Approval Required)
11292 /
67.97% Yes votes ......
5321 /
32.03% No votes
- To provide a stable, local funding source for art, music and athletic essential
program equipment and materials, to attract and retain highly qualified teachers
and staff, to enhance and expand access to art, music and athletic programs,
shall Pittsburg Unified School District levy an annual tax of $91 per taxable parcel
(approximately $1,200,000) for seven years, beginning 7/1/2017 with an annual
inflation adjustment of $6, with citizen oversight and senior citizen, SSI and SSDI
- Measure T.
Special Tax Measure
-- West Contra Costa Unified School District
(2/3 Approval Required)
64358 /
76.33% Yes votes ......
19956 /
23.67% No votes
- To maintain quality education with local funding the State cannot take, including:
protecting core academics, reading, writing, math, and science, attracting and
retaining quality teachers, supporting science lab materials and activities,
providing lower class sizes, preparing students for college and the workforce,
shall West Contra Costa Unified School District extend the existing school
funding measure for 8 years, at the current 7.2 cents per square foot of building
area, providing $9.8 million annually, exempting seniors and requiring
independent citizen oversight?
- Measure U.
Bond Measure
-- Liberty Union High School District
(55% Approval Required)
26237 /
61.04% Yes votes ......
16745 /
38.96% No votes
- To provide educational facilities and equipment to support advanced courses in
math, science, engineering, arts and technology, modernize aging science labs,
computer systems and career educational facilities, repair deteriorating roofs,
plumbing, heating, ventilation and electrical systems, add classrooms and
facilities including those relieving overcrowding, and to improve the likelihood of
local high schools qualifying for state matching funds, shall Liberty Union High
School District issue $122 million in bonds at legal interest rates, with
independent citizen oversight and audits?
- Measure V.
Bond Measure
-- Moraga School District
(55% Approval Required)
6252 /
72.70% Yes votes ......
2348 /
27.30% No votes
- To improve the quality of education at Moraga schools with funding that cannot
be taken away by the State; repair or replace leaky roofs; improve student
access to modern technology; modernize, renovate and/or construct classrooms,
restrooms and school facilities; upgrade inadequate electrical systems; and make
health, seismic, safety and security improvements; shall Moraga Elementary
School District issue $33,000,000 of bonds at legal interest rates, with citizens'
oversight, annual audits and NO money used for administrative salaries?
- Measure W.
School Improvement and Overcrowding Prevention Measure
-- Oakley Union Elementary School District
(55% Approval Required)
7855 /
64.76% Yes votes ......
4275 /
35.24% No votes
- To improve local schools with funding that cannot be taken away by the State; add
classrooms and school facilities to prevent overcrowding; provide classroom
instructional technology; improve science, math/engineering classrooms; repair,
construct, replace/update classrooms/educational facilities; and qualify for state
matching funds, shall Oakley Union Elementary School District issue $31 million
in bonds, at legal rates, with independent citizens' oversight, no funds for
administrator salaries and all funds staying local?
- Measure X.
Transaction and Use Tax Measure
-- County of Contra Costa
(2/3 Approval Required)
278098 /
63.45% Yes votes ......
160165 /
36.55% No votes
- To implement a Transportation Expenditure Plan to continue:
- Repairing potholes/fixing roads;
- Improving BART capacity/reliability;
- Improving Highways 680, 80, 24, and 4;
- Enhancing bus/transit including for seniors and people with disabilities;
- Increasing bicycle/pedestrian safety;
- Improving air quality;
- Reducing traffic;
shall voters adopt the ordinance augmenting the sales tax by ½%, raising ninety-
seven million dollars for transportation improvements annually for 30 years with
independent oversight, audits, and all money benefitting local residents?
- Measure Y.
Appropriations Limit Measure
-- County Service Area R-7, Zone A
(Majority Approval Required)
5721 /
71.02% Yes votes ......
2334 /
28.98% No votes
- Shall the appropriations limit under California Article XIII-B for County Service
Area R-7A (Alamo Parks and Recreation) be increased to $1,650,000 and
adjusted for changes in the cost-of-living and population, with the increase
effective for the Fiscal Years 2015/2016 through 2018/2019 (inclusive) to provide
for the expenditure of funds that will be available to the Service Area during the
stated fiscal years?
- Measure Z.
Utility Users Tax
-- City of Brentwood
(Majority Approval Required)
8988 /
39.13% Yes votes ......
13979 /
60.87% No votes
- To maintain and enhance essential City services, such as fire and emergency medical response, shall an Ordinance be adopted to enact a utility users tax on telecommunications, electricity, gas, and cable television phasing in over two years (3% in 2017 and an additional 3% in 2018, for a total of 6%) to ultimately raise ongoing funding of approximately $6.1 million each year?
- Measure C1.
Preservation of Local Transportation Services
-- Alameda-Contra Costa Transit District Special District 1
(Parcel Tax Extension - 2/3 Approval Required)
384,465 /
82.1% Yes votes ......
83,766 /
17.9% No votes
(82.57%) Yes / 70480 (17.43%) No in Alameda County
(79.18%) Yes / 13286 (20.82%) No in Contra Costa County
- To preserve essential local public transportation services, including those for youth, commuters, seniors, and people with disabilities, while keeping fares reasonable, shall the Alameda-Contra Costa Transit District
extend its existing 8 dollars per month parcel tax at current levels for 20 years with no increase in tax rate, raising approximately 30 million dollars annually, with independent oversight and all money spent locally?
- Measure RR.
BART Safety, Reliability and Traffic Relief
-- San Francisco Bay Area Rapid Transit District
(Bond - 2/3 Approval Required)
994,140 /
70.5% Yes votes ......
415,366 /
29.5% No votes
(71.31%) Yes / 174591 (28.69%) No in Alameda County
(60.36%) Yes / 172396 (39.64%) No in Contra Costa County
(81.32%) Yes / 68,379 (18.68%) No in San Francisco County
- To keep BART safe; prevent accidents/breakdowns/delays; relieve overcrowding; reduce traffic congestion/pollution;
improve earthquake safety and access for seniors/disabled by replacing and upgrading 90 miles of severely worn tracks; tunnels damaged by water intrusion; 44-year-old train control systems; and other deteriorating infrastructure, shall the Bay Area Rapid Transit District issue $3.5 billion
of bonds for acquisition or improvement of real property subject to independent oversight and annual audits?
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