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Santa Barbara County, CA November 3, 2015 Election
Smart Voter Additional Endorsements for Jacqueline Inda

Candidate for
Council Member; City of Santa Barbara; Council District 1

This information is provided by the candidate


Linda Wood, Board Member of Habitat for Humanity
Reynaldo Brutoco, World Business Academy
Mark Hamilton, ACLU board president of local chapter
Joe Garnica, Past Board Member of the Santa Barbara Housing Authority
Cynthia E. Orozco, National ACLU Representative
Beverly King, Long Time Community Leader

Roger Horton, Past Santa Barbara City Council
Leo Martinez, Former Santa Barbara City Council
Benjamin Cheverez, Founder of La Casa De La Raza
Tere Jurado, Founder of Latinos Unidos Y Activos
Elvira Quiroga, Latino Leader and Community Activist
Mary Cheverez, Founding member of Latino Activism
Manuel Unzueta, Chicano Artist and activism Leader

Jaime Raney, Past President of the Santa Barbara Bar Association
Honorable Frank Ochoa (ret.), Mediator and Founder of the Latino Lawyers
Toni Wellen, Founding member of the Coalition Against Gun Violence
Dr. Manuel Casas, Santa Barbara County Mental Health Commissioner
Gracie Huerta, Community Emergency Response Trainer
Missy Zeitsoft, National Gun Safety Advocates
Anthony Rodriguez, Latino Community CERT Specialists
Dr. Robert Macy, National Childhood Trauma Network
Jena Carvalo, Gleneden Association and SBRN founder

Ms. Fernandez, Retired Teacher - Franklin Elementary (current Vol)
Ms. Salas, Retired Teacher- Franklin Elementary (current Vol)
Ms. Maria Rey, Retired Teacher, Founding member of Cesar Chavez Charter
Ruben Rey, UCSB Professor of Chicano Studies

Frank Banales, Founder of Zona Seca, Inc.
Doug Wood, Primary Share Holder of Manulife Financial
Maria Perez, Former Board Chair of Greater Eastside Merchants
Dante Omar Morales, Omar's Travels
Miguel Avila, Founder of the Hispanic Chamber of Commerce

Bianca Rodriguez, Youth Ministries SAFETY program Our Lady of Guadalupe
Nancy Davis, City at Peace Founder
Edelvina Menchaca, founder of the Marichi Festival
Dr. Gil Reyes, Suicide Prevention Specialists

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Created from information supplied by the candidate: October 4, 2015 20:29
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