Seismic Shift in the Educational Landscape
Over the last 2-3 years there has been a seismic shift in the educational landscape across the nation and right here in California. Over these years school districts have had to make significant adjustments. The following topics I address below have been at the forefront for NUSD.
- LCFF (Local Control Funding Formula) + This has replaced the previous finance system where NUSD was known as a revenue limit district. This new funding formula has increased equity and gives NUSD control of their funds hence local control. The downside is it will take 8 years for LCFF to be fully implemented and that is assuming the economy will be stable. Although LCFF has brought significant upside financially, NUSD still needs to be mindful of their expenditures and reserve and continue to monitor the financial outlook.
- LCAP (Local Control Accountability Plan) + LCFF and the LCAP work together. The LCAP is a 3-year plan that identifies how NUSD will spend its state funding and serve all students through goals and actions. The district has to report out on their actions and how they have improved student outcomes every year. Since the student is an integral part of the goals and actions, the student's opinion matters. NUSD will be bringing back the student board member, which allows that student voice at the board table. Parent and community member engagement will support the student and help district decision-making.
- Common Core State Standards (CCSS) - CCSS for math and English are fully implemented with the Next Generation Science Standards in the near future. With these new standards comes along professional development for the teachers. CCSS has changed the delivery of the curriculum enhanced critical thinking and problem solving. NUSD continues to provide professional development along with instructional coaches. Instructional coaches are current NUSD teachers that work closely with teachers to bring what they learned back into the classroom and implement it effectively. Peer to peer coaching provides day-to-day support for the teacher. This needs to continue even when all the standards are implemented.
- Providing innovative and effective programs and maintain rigorous and differentiated curriculum along with equity and access for all students. Students want to be taught in an environment that is engaging, exciting and relevant and they want to be prepared for either college or career. NUSD needs to focus on high schools to make sure counselors, teachers and administrators understand each students needs and abilities and provide the tools that allows them to grow. They can do this by better ratios student to counselor, continued teacher professional development, listening to the student voice and growing partnership with College of Marin.
- Technology is a big component in the teaching and learning environment. There are still textbooks, but technology is an integral part of the classroom that allows students to be creative, collaborative with project based learning and innovation. Keeping technology current requires money. Technology needs to continue to be a line item in the budget and in our LCAP.
- Facilities - NUSD facilities are aging. With the evolving change in how education is delivered, facilities need to be adequate to handle the impact. Providing adequate instructional environment with technology integration need modernized facilities. NUSD will most likely have to go out for a bond in order to bring some of our facilities to a standard that meets the needs of the student today and in the future.