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Mendocino County, CA November 3, 2015 Election
Smart Voter Full Biography for Kathy Babcock

Candidate for
Board Member; Fort Bragg Unified School District

This information is provided by the candidate

As a school board member, I will bring to the table almost 20 years of education and business experience. I have spent 15 of those years in the FBUSD and the remaining time in a variety of accounting jobs. I have a bachelor's degree in accounting and two masters degrees - one in education and one in school counseling. My husband and I own a local business and I continue to make financial decisions on a daily basis. Last May I requested a leave of absence from FBHS in order to spend more time with my family and have a more flexible work schedule to be available for my own children. The idea of school board member obviously presented itself and it is my hope to make some real change for our district.

During my 15 years at Fort Bragg High School I have been part of a variety of aspects of education. I have been on curriculum committees, peer assistance and review and BTSA, department chair, been the person responsible for bringing new programs to FBHS (advisory, Link Crew) and directing existing programs (AVID and Student Council). This experience has allowed me to be involved in almost all aspects of a school. I was a teacher for ten years and a counselor for five.

I have three very different students in my household. I have a high achieving AP/College class senior, a special needs, 504 student in Dana Gray and a feisty 2nd grader that can navigate his education without a lot of intervention from mom. Through their eyes I can see how education needs to be accessible to all students. Not only do I have these three children in the FBUSD, I am a graduate myself. I have a sense of pride and loyalty to this district and feel becoming a board member is the next step in my contribution to it.

I have volunteered in a variety of organizations in this community that have helped prepare me for this job including Glass Beach Preschool Board, Redwood Parents Club and Board and Fort Bragg 4-H both as a leader and the treasury advisor.

I do not believe I have all the answers and I KNOW I will not be able to make a ton of change on my own. I know I can share my experience and my knowledge as well as take the lead on specific issues. I also am very aware that a school board has strict and specific guidelines they must follow and I look forward to getting trained in that so I can do my job to the best of my ability.

I truly believe this is an exciting time in education. We have been given a new accountability system with the Smarter Balance assessments, new funding guidelines, the LCAP and new curriculum, the Common Core. Education is constantly changing and we need to change with it. Students are not the same as they were 20, 10 or even 5 years ago. What better time to "do things better" than now. We have a wonderful community and a great foundation for a stellar school district. I want to be part of that charge! I want to be part of something amazing here in Fort Bragg.

My goal is to be the voice for all students, all parents and families, all teachers and all school staff. I believe openness and communication are essential especially at this time in our district. I believe I have the experience that will enable me to look forward and see how policy and procedure will affect our schools. I believe I can be part of a team that can move this district forward with a vision that we want for our children.

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Created from information supplied by the candidate: October 18, 2015 16:31
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