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Quality Education
- Provide a quality education ensuring that our children can attend safe, effective, and technology-supported schools.
- Increased and modernize our schools helping to provide additional educational choices for our families and students, and improving the facilities in which our students learn.
- Attract and retain highly qualified school staff, with salaries that are competitive with those in comparable districts and professions
- Create additional technology / infrastructure improvements (i.e., additional chrome carts for middle and high school, STEAM building and others)
- Ensure support for families as we move further into Common Core and Smarter Balance testing (SBAC)
- Create career technology educational programs in lower grades
Accountability and Involvement + Voices Valued & Heard
- Support parent-teacher-student associations and school community organizations in developing quality education systems for our children.
- Create better school district policies that increase inclusiveness and transparency, giving parents, teachers, and students higher consideration in the decision making process.
- Support and encourage parent involvement in their children's education and encourage community involvement in decisions regarding school improvement plans.
Fiscal Responsibility
- Strict oversight over our school bond funds assuring that taxpayer money is being spent on projects as promised in a financially responsible manner.
- Must maximize our tax dollars by developing partnerships with business, government and educational entities to assure no duplication of services.
- Create tougher fiscal policies when spending our public funds, ensuring that each dollar is spent most effectively.
- Must live within our budget limitations