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San Diego County, CA | November 4, 2014 Election |
Article, The Audacity of LibertyBy Larry A. WilskeCandidate for United States Representative; District 53 | |
This information is provided by the candidate |
As published by Larry A. WilskeThe Audacity of Liberty Imagine a country where you are restricted to how you think, Speak, act and the conditions in which you participated (in those heinous practices) were controlled beyond your own personal choice? This is not in America of 2525, it's in America 2014 and has been creeping into our lives on all levels since the onslaught of the progressive movement back in 1916. As American citizens we are obligated to a few simple daily tasks in order to live up to the privilege of Liberty, and only in the breaths we take. If we Patriotic Americans all agree that Freedom is never free and we are ultimately accountable to God, Country, and Family; it's time to open our eyes and stop walking through this blessed life with our eyes wide shut! Liberty: Freedom from Control, Interference, Obligation, Restriction, Hampering conditions; Power or right of doing, thinking, speaking according to choice. We enjoy these liberties, don't we? Control... According to the First Amendment: Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances. Where we worship is controlled, after all our own children are prohibited from prayer in school... No prayer in school, a form of control? What we say is controlled; aren't we all well versed in "Political Correctness"? Political Correctness, a form of control? Imagine what the authors of our Declaration of Independence would have thought about a state of affairs where petition to the government could result in incarceration? While this is not an open practice in the US it is embraced by a number of our foreign allies which, brings this just a little too close to home. Control is alive and well undermining the 1st Amendment at home and abroad. Is the elimination of "Competition" a form of control? When we teach our children the absurdity of "it's not about winning", we are falling into the trap of being led like sheep in the most devious scheme. We are allowing the future of our children to be controlled even before they understand the concept of Liberty. As a practice America, teach your children freedom and in life, there are lessons from both winning and losing, rarely are lessons learned from "a moment of being benign." Restriction... According to the Second Amendment: A well-regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed. Is the "infringement" of any gun "control" law a restriction? One of the reasons our country was without foreign threat on our soil was simply because "every one of those Crazy Americans owns a gun". When our sworn enemy (Radical Islam) saw our apparent disarmament, we were attacked. Restricting law abiding citizens from procurement, ownership, use, and capability of his or her right to "Bear Arms" is restriction in its purest form. We are: Restricted in what type of Arms we can attain, the type of ammunition they use, the amount of ammunition they use, the areas where we can maintain our personal capabilities through practice and use; this is irrefutable and that right has been infringed upon. You see Patriots, we have been walking around with our eyes wide shut and allowing a movement to "progress" away from our Constitution. The ability to practice our most basic of Liberties is constricted by this movement. The serpent of today has been circling its coils for some time and we need to stand up for our Liberty, not matter what. Drop the discussion boundaries of "Political Correctness" and trade them for Patriotic Courage, our Dignity as a Country and our Character as individuals. What's at stake here is beyond the imagination of those that wrote our Constitution, you see the enemy from within has figured out a way to undermine our guiding principles well before their actual potential is even realized. Break free of the restrictions given by tyranny to hamper our right to say what we mean and how we want to say it! Loosen the tightening grip of oppression and arm yourself to the hilt (if you so desire). It's unbecoming for Americans to stand afraid of the very words they choose to use. So from one American to another breathe in and exhale the audacity of your right to Life, Liberty, and Your pursuit of happiness. Very Respectfully, Larry A. Wilske Master Chief (SEAL), USN, Ret'd |
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